Saturday, November 18, 2017

Egypt planning exhibits and concerts in Lazio - Egypt -

Egypt planning exhibits and concerts in Lazio

Archaeological replicas to be displayed next year

17 November, 13:19

(by Rodolfo Calò)  CAIRO - A series of exhibitions and concerts to be held in Italy are under planning in the Egyptian capital.

There will be show of replicas of Egyptian archaeological treasures, one of Coptic art with reproductions of rare icons and four concerts of Egyptian folkloric music. As announced at the SocietĂ  italiana di Beneficenza (SIB) in Cairo, the replica exhibit will include about 250-300 pieces made by artists and craftsmen from the Egyptian Antiquities Ministry. There will be replica of the Tutankhamon treasure, with its famous gold, lapis lazuli and vitreous paste death mask and the sarcophagus of the pharaoh who died young but has become an iconic figure for fans of ancient Egypt. The place where the exhibition will be held has yet to be determined but it is scheduled for June to December 2018 and will be in the Lazio region, ANSAmed was told by SIB chairman Eugenio Benedetti Gaglio.

SIB is sponsoring the three initiatives. Though similar replicas have previously been exhibited in the US and other countries, ''this is the first time a show like this is being held in Italy,'' the Sicilian philanthropist noted. The second element of the initiative that aims to foster closer dialogue between Italy and Egypt is an exhibition of art made by Christian Egyptians, the Coptics, Benedetti Gaglio noted.

The former entrepreneur from Catania who also did business in China in the past said that the Museum of the Coptic Church had never before loaned works of such importance. In a ''holy site'' that has not yet been decided, he said, about 50 wooden, metallic and stone icons will be sent to Italy.

Icons are ever more an element of ecumenical dialogue. Last month, Egyptian Tourism Minister Yehia Rashed asked the pope to bless an icon of the holy family's escape from Egypt.

The request came during his delivering of a message from Egyptian president Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi to Pope Francis. Beginning in June, there will be four folkloric music concerts organized in agreement with the Egyptian Culture Ministry. Whirling dervishes, Nubian musicians and a choir of 40 blind singers will perform, the SIB chairman said. The choice of the central Lazio region for the exhibition, whose pieces will be up for sale, was preferred due to an analogy between the ancient Egyptians and ancient Etruscans in decorating tombs for the afterlife.

As Benedetti said, this point had previously been raised by the well-known Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass. (ANSAmed).
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