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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Hawass: Ancient Egyptians denounced homosexuality - Egypt Today
Zahi Hawass – File Photo

Hawass: Ancient Egyptians denounced homosexuality

Tue, Oct. 3, 2017

CAIRO – 3 October 2017: The famous archaeologist, Zahi Hawass, announced that Ancient Egyptians denounced homosexuality, pointing out that recently discovered papyrus belonging to King Pepi I, which stirred controversy, was to raise awareness against homosexuality.

Hawass explained that the papyrus pointed out that King Pepi II, who ruled Egypt at the age of eight and died at the age of 98, left his palace one night, took a ladder, and landed inside the house of the army commander. He pointed out that the papyrus was written in Hieratical twice and that archaeologist Brekken wrote about and explained it.

"The ancient Egyptians were dissatisfied with the King's action, so they repeated the story twice, to raise people's awareness and warn them of such an inappropriate action," said Hawass.

Hawass pointed out that foreign archaeologists thought that the scenes of two brothers' bonding to each other, or the scene of King Akhenaten when he was kissed by his children, were indicators of homosexuality. However, he explained to them that kissing girls and young boys is simply an authentic Egyptian tradition.

Hawass is one of the most distinguished archaeologists worldwide, and has many discoveries to his name. He is also the author of hundreds of books in different languages. His recent discoveries include the Tombs of the Pyramid Builders and the Valley of the Golden Mummies.

Among the important works of Hawass is that he headed the team that scanned King Tutankhamun's mummy to unravel mysteries surrounding the lives and deaths of other Ancient Egyptian kings
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