Monday, October 16, 2017

The Abydos Temple Paper Archive, talk tomorrow, Oct. 17, 4 p.m., NES Lounge, UC Berkeley

The Abydos Temple Paper Archive
Lecture by Ayman Damarany (SCA)
Tuesday, Oct 17, 4PM
254 Barrows Hall (NES Lounge)

Narrating the modern history of Abydos from an
Egyptian perspective

The Abydos Temple Paper Archive (ATPA)
is a Berkeley affiliated project, centered on a
recently discovered historical archive containing
documents from the Egyptian Antiquities'
Service related to the heritage management of
the site of Abydos and surrounding areas, from
approximately 1850 through the 1960's. Our
focus is to preserve and categorize this historical
archive detailing the modern history of the area
and its archaeological sites from the Egyptian
point of view. Considering the many recent
projects that have investigated foreign
involvement in early Egyptian archaeology, we
believe that the Abydos Temple Paper Archive
serves as an important counterpoint that can
elucidate the contributions of the many
Egyptian archaeologists that took part in early

Ayman Damarany is an inspector for the Egyptian
Ministry of Antiquities in Abydos, as well as
the ARCE photographer in Luxor. He co-directs
the ATPA project with Jessica Kaiser and Nora
Shalaby under the faculty lead of Prof. Carol

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