Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The mummified fetus and other mysterious treasures in Wales's largest ancient Egypt collection - Wales Online

The mummified fetus and other mysterious treasures in Wales's largest ancient Egypt collection

You can see mummified snakes, ancient coffins, and even try your hand at embalming a body

Did you know that the largest collection of Egyptian objects in Wales can be found in The Egypt Centre Museum of Egyptian Antiquities?

Based in Swansea University's Taliesin Arts Centre, it houses more than 5,500 items, including such rare curiosities as a mummy's coffin and a mummified snake.

The treasures can be seen - and in some cases, touched - in the centre's House of Life and House of Death, which allows visitors to explore the artefacts and get hands-on with a tray of ancient materials.

You could even try your hand at embalming a body ready for mummification - but thankfully, using their embalming dummy, which is for demonstration purposes only.

What do they do?

The Egypt Centre, which initially began life as a small collection of Egyptian artefacts at Swansea University, opened its doors to the public in 1998.

They say that they have three core functions: preservation of the collection, education, and widening participation.

Anyone wishing to join in as a volunteer can contact the Egypt Centre's volunteer manager here .

The five must-see objects in the museum

With thousands of object to chose from, where do you start?

The Egypt Centre's events office Beverley Rogers picked out five of their must-see items for us.

1. The mummified fetus

"It is the earliest known early-stage fetus from ancient Egypt.

"It was a bit unsure as to whether this was an actual Egyptian object or a fake, because the hieroglyphs on it didn't make sense at first. But it was scanned by the medical department at Swansea University, and there is actually a fetus in there."

2. The coffin

"The coffin was originally from Exeter, and it was collected in 1819. We don't have the mummy, but the coffin itself is still in really good condition, and it dates from 600 BC."

3. The reserve head

"This is a very rare object, only about 30 that have been found from ancient Egypt, and most of them have got the ears and the nose chipped off.

"We're not entirely sure what they were for, but we're really pleased to have it."

4. A mummified snake

"The mummified snake came to us in a bundle of very dirty bandages.

"It's a really good example of a collaboration with Swansea University, because it was scanned by the engineering department, and it was shown to have an actual snake within.

"By using their 3D capabilities and 3D printer, we now have a fantastic copy of the snake vertebrae from inside."

5. The Amarna collar

"This is one of three Amarna collars at the centre, and it dates back to the time of Tutankhamun's father.

"They're extremely rare, and we're extremely lucky to have them."

Can I visit the Egypt Centre, and who is it suitable for?

Yes, the family-friendly centre is open to all-ages, and entry is free.

Where is it?

Taliesin Arts Centre, Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP

When is it open?

Due to on-going refurbishment work at the Taliesin Arts Centre, the Egypt Centre is currently open on Saturdays only, between 10am and 4pm with last admission at 3.50pm.

Keep an eye on the Egypt Centre's website for details on when the opening times return to normal.

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