Tuesday, September 12, 2017

On the Move: Archaeologies of Human Mobility and Migration - TOMORROW!


On the Move: Archaeologies of Human Mobility and Migration
Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich & the University of California, Berkeley

This one-day public symposium brings archaeologists from Munich and Berkeley together to explore new horizons in mobility and migration practices in past societies. Abstracts can be read at this link. The Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology and the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich-UC Berkeley Research in the Humanities Program are co-sponsors of this event.

Wednesday, September 13, from 10AM to 4PM
Location: Phoebe Hearst Museum Gallery Learning Center (Enter through the Museum's new south patio entrance)
Organizers: Benjamin Porter (Berkeley) and Caroline von Nicolai (Munich)
Event contact: bwporter@berkeley.edu

Each paper will be 20-minutes in length followed by 5 minutes for questions and discussions

10:00 Benjamin Porter (Berkeley) and Caroline von Nicolai (Munich), On the Move: An Introduction to the LMU-Berkeley Research Group on Mobility and Migration

10:25 Caroline von Nicolai (Munich), Last Hunters or First Farmers? Mobility Patterns during the Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition in the Austrian Alps

10:50 Tringham, Ruth (Berkeley), Walking to Nowhere: European Neolithic Migrations, Mobility and Movement

11:15 Meg Conkey (Berkeley) On the Move, Making Tracks, but Marking and Making Place in Ice Age Europe

11:40 Lisa Maher (Berkeley) Hunter-Gatherer Home-Making? Building Landscape and Community in the Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic

12:05 Lunch Break

1:30 Jun Sunseri, Mario Castillo, and Erika Lin Contributions of GIS and Experimental Data to Landscape Archaeologies of Movement in Equestrian Societies

1:55 Alexander Schȕtze (Munich), Mobility in the Context of the Persian Empire: The Case of the Judaean Military Colony at Elephantine (Egypt)

2:20 Michael Roaf (Munich), The Migration of the Persians into Fars

2:45 Mélanie Flossmann-Schȕtze (Munich) Mobility of Animals in Late Period and Greco-Roman Egypt: A Case Study of the Ibiotapheion at Tuna el-Gebel

3:10 Julia Budka (Munich), Migration along the Nile during the 2nd Millennium BCE – Case Studies from Sai Island, Sudan

3:35 Benjamin Porter (Berkeley), Making Jerusalem: Archaeologies of Pilgrimage and Cultural Mobility

4:00 PM Adjournment

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