Tuesday, September 12, 2017

An Egyptological Afternoon at UC Berkeley, Sept. 20


Wednesday, September 20, 5-7 PM
Location: NES Lounge, 254 Barrows Hall, Barrow Lane and Bancroft Way, UC Bekeley.
Organizer and event contact: Rita Lucarelli: rita.lucarelli@berkeley.edu

Each paper will be 30-minutes in length followed by 5 to 10 minutes for questions and discussions.

5:00 Alexander Schütze (Munich University) Statues, Stelae and Private Legal Documents: The
Agency of Things in the Petition of Peteese (P. Rylands 9)

P. Rylands 9 contains the lengthy petition of a scribe of the temple of Amun at el-Hibe dating to
the early reign of Dareios I. The papyrus is considered as an important source for the history,
administration and society of Late Period Egypt. In the petition, Peteese tells the story of five
generations of his family going back to the early reign of Psametik I. The narrative is
structured by several transfers of property rights on the prebends of the high priest of Amun
at el-Hibe being the subject of the petition. In this paper, I will focus on how
actors mentioned in the petition used private legal documents written on papyrus but
also statues and stelae to enforce their claims on these prebends. Furthermore, I will
highlight how the specific materiality of these objects influenced the behaviour of the
actors. Aim of the paper is to illustrate the practice of documenting legal transactions as a
technique to reduce uncertainty regarding the enforcement of legal claims in Late Period Egypt.

5.40: Mélanie Flossmann-Schȕtze (Munich University) The Ptolemaic settlement of the Ibiotapheion at
Tuna el-Gebel. Current research of the Joint Mission of Cairo and Munich Universities

Since 1989 the Joint Mission of the Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University, and the
Institute of Egyptology and Coptology, LMU Munich, has been working at the animal necropolis
of Tuna el-Gebel and its associated buildings and institutions. Numerous sanctuaries,
administrative buildings and at least two or three settlements were attached to the
Ibiotapheion, the burial grounds for sacred ibises and baboons. Being the largest animal
cemetery in Egypt after Saqqara, the institution of animal cult at Tuna el-Gebel was managed by one
or more religious associations. The aim of the project presented in this paper is to reconstruct
the living environment and social life of these specific religious associations in the Hermopolites.
Their members lived in a settlement beside the Ibiotapheion, characterized by huge tower-houses.
Research focuses on the one hand on the material culture of the living quarters, on the
other hand textual evidence from the cemetery and settlement allows us to elucidate many
aspects of daily life.

6.20: Andrzej Niwinski (Warsaw University) The development of the iconographic repertoire
of the 21st Dynasty coffins as new criterion for dating

The 21st Dynasty coffins have a complex iconography. A typology of these objects was proposed 30
years ago(A. Niwiński, 21st Dynasty Coffins from Thebes. Chronological and Typological
Studies. = THEBEN V, Mainz1988) and it is generally still in use. This typology was based on
the formal criteria of the decoration and will be re-discussed during this lecture. Five phases of
the development of the iconographic repertoire have been distinguished, which follow subsequent
sub-periods of the history of the 21st Dynasty, marked out by some important events at
Thebes. During this lecture it will be also discussed how the iconographic study of coffins helps
the understanding of the phenomenon of the coffin re-use, which is often encountered in
the 21stDynasty.


Parking is available in U.C. lots after 5 p.m. on weekdays and all day on weekends for a fee. Ticket
dispensing machines accept either $5 bills or $1 bills, and credit cards. Parking is available in
Parking Structure B on Bancroft between Hearst Gym and Kroeber Hall and just across the street from
the University Art Museum. Parking is also available under the shops on Bancroft opposite Barrows
Hall. There is a parking structure under the Student Union further west on Bancroft.

A map of the campus is available online at http://www.berkeley.edu/map/For more information about
Egyptology events, go to http://www.arce-nc.orgor http://www.facebook.com/NorthernCaliforniaARCE

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