Monday, August 28, 2017

AWOL - The Ancient World Online: New release of the Coptic Treebank
On 08/28/2017 01:12 PM, Charles Jones wrote:
New release of the Coptic Treebank New release of the Coptic Treebank
Coptic Treebank release 2.1, now with three Letters of Besa!
We are pleased to announce the release of the latest version of the Coptic Treebank, now containing three Letters of Besa:
  • On Lack of Food
  • To Aphthonia
  • To Thieving Nuns
This brings the total corpus size up to 10,499 tokens, thanks to annotation work by Elizabeth Davidson and Amir Zeldes, building on earlier transcription and tagging work by Coptic Scriptorium and KELLIA partners. Special thanks are due to So Miyagawa for providing the transcription for On Lack of Food. The corpus will continue to grow as we work to annotate more data and improve the accuracy of our automatic syntax parser for Coptic. You can search the current version of the corpus in ANNIS here:
Or download the latest raw annotated data from GitHub here:
Please let us know if you find any errors or have any feedback on the treebank!

--   Sent from my Linux system.

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