Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Jewish Temple in Alexandria to be restored at LE40 million - Egypt Independent

Jewish Temple in Alexandria to be restored at LE40 million

The Ministry of Antiquities' Projects Sector approved the disbursement of LE40 million for a comprehensive restoration and development plan for the Eliyahu Hanavi Synagogue, known as the Jewish Temple in Alexandria, said head of the Islamic and Coptic Monuments Department al-Saeed Helmy Ezzat on Wednesday.

A part of the synagogue ceiling fell down a few months ago, causing the closure of the sacred temple.

Feasibility and research studies needed for the implementation of restoration has been completed, Ezzat told Al-Masry Al-Youm.
The project will involve the architectural restoration of the temple and will start immediately after approval from the Board of Directors of the Antiquities Ministry.

Although Article 30 of Law No.117 and Laws 3 & 61 stipulate that the Jewish community is the party entrusted with bearing the cost of any restoration work of the synagogue, the Ministry will bear the cost of the project, said Ezzat.


Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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