Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Fwd: [arce-chapters] FW: Nefertiti Article Translation from National Geographic Italy.

Forwarded from Robin Young's posting to the ARCE chapters email list, with a comment by Tom Hardwick clarifying his mention in the article. The comment comes at the end of the original Italian posting by National Geographic Italia.


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Dear all,
You might give this a try. There are some funny words but it does give the gist of the Italian article. Thanks to Bob Nielsen.
From: Robert Nielsen [mailto:rnielsen30002@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 2:35 PM
To: 'Robin Young'
Subject: Nefertiti Article Translation
I too do not speak or read Italian but the subject of this article is one that interests be greatly. I did a Google Translations of this article to see what it was all about. The following is this translation. Please note the Google automated translation may not always be EXACTY correct!
INTERVIEW Where is the legendary queen buried? And to what extent is the investigation of the secrets of the Tutankhamon family? This is told in a new book Zahi Hawass, Pharaoh of Archaeologists, and documentary Brando Quilici
"A documentary director like me is, in his own way, a treasure hunter. Maybe I'm not going to bring them to light, but it's important to guess who can do it, where and when, to be in the right place at the right time."
In life, you know, it's all a matter of time. And Brando Quilici, author of this premise, for a blend of intuition, professionalism and fortune, has enjoyed a perfect timing that has enabled him to live in person and as a privileged observer, some of the most striking archaeological adventures of recent years. Evocative places and beside famed scholars, documenting the solution of some mysteries linked to iconic figures of the 18th dynasty of ancient Egypt.
In his forthcoming book (July 18, for the Mondadori editions), Enigma Nefertiti, written by archaeologist Zahi Hawass, edited by journalist Giovanna Cavalli, put in a row discoveries and explorations, anecdotes and backdrops of fifteen years of work in the land of Pharaohs, pointing to the "greatest mystery of Ancient Egypt", as the subtitle of the volume reads: The quest for the Sun Queen's tomb, and in the wake of Nicholas Reeves's theory, of the supposed hidden rooms inside the Tutankhamon Tomb in the Valley of the Kings.
We interviewed Quilici on the eve of a new departure for Egypt, where he is preparing the field for new tests in the Valley of the Kings on behalf of National Geographic.
QUESTION -  Let's start from the classic "where we were left". Just over a year ago, we had left National Geographic readers suspended about the progress of searching for other environments hidden in Tutankhamun's burial room. After an international conference that has in fact sanctioned impasse, and diverging opinions on "whether and how" proceed, there have been important developments ...
ANSWER -  In recent months, the Minister of Antiquities, Khaled El Enany, recalled a highly-experienced Egyptian on the field, such as Zahi Hawass, who until then, rather critical and skeptical, had remained aloof. In the autumn of last year, the minister entrusted him with the task of directing the operations of a third "independent radar" in the tomb of Tut. Hawass wanted a prestigious university to oversee the job, and he contacted Professor Porcelli, a physician at the Politecnico di Torino, already known for solving the mystery of Tut's dagger [the book tells the whole story], former scientist Of the Italian Embassy of Cairo, who with Geistudi Astier, a reference company in Livorno led by engineer Gianfranco Morelli, is going to make a three-dimensional map of the Valley thanks to a geophysical technique called ERT (acronym for Electrical Resistivity Tomography) Tomography of electrical resistivity. This technique appears to be more suitable than the Ground Penetrating Radar, GPR, better known as georadar, used for testing in the tomb of Tutankhamun in difficult terrain and extensive repositories - such as limestone and shale deposits Of the Valley of the Kings (let's talk about this article). Recognition will proceed in parallel in the KV62. The first phase of work carried out between February and May by the Italian team with the supervision of an Egyptian expert, Ahmed El-Laithy, director of the Mallawi Museum, gave very encouraging results: a prospecting carried out from the outside with ERT revealed a strong Conductive anomaly (empty void areas in the rock) about four meters from the north wall of Tut's tomb. A "something" big at least six feet.
QUESTION -  At the same time, another front opened. Tell about the discovery of another promising tomb in the Monkey Valley ...
ANSWER -  Yes, beside the KV23, the grave of Ay, Elder successor to Tut and alleged father of Nefertiti. The tests carried out between February and May by Livorno technicians with ERT have detected conductive anomalies in the rock where Hawass has identified the foundation deposits of another royal tomb that might belong to Ankhesenamun, Tut's young wife (and daughter of Nefertiti). She remained a widow and married Ay, who, according to reasoning, would be his grandfather. Another sterile marriage among the consanguineans, the epilogue of a long series of incest that marked the end of the eighteenth dynasty.
QUESTION -  Is Ankhesenamun not yet recognized in one of the two real Mummies of the KV21? DNA analysis did not reveal that she is the youngest mummy, almost certainly the mother of the two sons born of Tut? Hawass himself suspects that the second mummy of the KV21 is Nefertiti himself, as he says in your book.
ANSWER -  First of all, it is not said that the recently identified tomb is, as it is said, "untouched". Moving mummies from one grave to another to preserve them from ancient looters was quite frequent. The DNA analysis of the two mummies found in the KV21 was rather troubled because of the bad conditions they were exposed, exposed for decades to the weather the highly sophisticated mini-filer system, an American patent that is based on 15 markers, predicted that extortion attempts would be repeated many times to overcome the bad state of conservation, at a cost of $ 10-15,000 per tentative. The first seven markers of the younger individual allowed with good approximation to establish that it is Ankhesenamun. But the DNA tests that were taking place in Cairo were abruptly interrupted in 2011 because of the revolution. Today, given the unsustainable cost of these analyzes in the absence of sponsors, tends to privilege the "archaeological track".
Picture Caption - To the left: detail of the head of an Akhenaton statue kept at the Museum of Cairo and dispersed during the riots of 2011. Right: Historic Amarynum head conserved August Kestner Museum in Hanover, first attributed to Akhenaton now recognized as Nefertiti / Smenkhara
QUESTION -  The interest for Nefertiti, the one you define as the first true "first lady of the story" thanks to Reeves is more alive today than ever, but where his mummy hid himself, Reeves and Hawass - explained in detail in the book - have positions Very distant. On one point there is however concordance: it would be the mysterious Pharaoh Smenkhara. What is the conclusion?
ANSWER -  Obviously it goes without saying that for Reeves this is another piece of his theory: behind the walls of the tomb of Tut lies the tomb of Nefertiti, which at the death of his wife Akhenaton, would reign briefly as Neferneferuaton or Smenkhara, deserving a significant sepulcher In the Valley of the Kings, then resized and "tamponed" because of the premature disappearance of his successor.
For Hawass, the wife of the heretical pharaoh, who was crouching to Pharaoh in turn, could hardly have been buried at Tebe. Zahi speaks of an initial burial in Amarna with subsequent displacement to the South, just like in Akhenaton's case, later translated into the KV55 of the Valley of the Kings. At this point, Nefertiti, aka Neferneferuaton, is certainly Hawass, The name of Ankheperura, would become Pharaoh Smenkhara.
And he is convinced by archaeologist Ray Johnson, director of the Chicago House, a research center at the University of Chicago based in Luxor, which in 2015 published a survey that always leads in this direction. His focus was on a small calcareous bust of the last Amarnian period (above right) kept at the August Kestner Museum in Hannover, Germany. It is always thought that he depicted Akhenaton. Now Johnson, after a long stylistic study, is sure to be Nefertiti. And the bust immortes the very moment when Queen becomes king and can fully wear the Pharaohs khepresh.
Picture Caption - Nicholas Reeves observes the paintings of the northern wall of the KV62. Photography by Brando Quilici
QUESTION -  Have any other clues emerged recently to support Reeves's theory?
ANSWER -  A recent discovery is that the mappings in the paintings in Tut's burial room have been altered he had noticed for the first time in October 2015 the English archaeologist Tom Hardwick. A supplement of study allowed to read other faded fragments. Without getting into the details, the protagonists of the paintings originally would be Tutankhamun and the mysterious Smenkhara. For Reeves this confirms that the scene painted on the north wall of the KV62 originally was the funeral ritual not of Ay for Tut, but of Tut for the Pharaoh who reigned before him. As in the case of Tut's funeral mask, it would repeat the tampering of the cartilage ...
QUESTION -  What will be the next steps?
ANSWER -  The searches will resume in September, July and August is too hot to work. It is not excluded that IRT (Infrared Thermal Imaging) can be reused in the KV62, which has already been used with some positive results in 2015, although for engineer Maurizio Seracini, a well-known expert in the diagnostic of Cultural Heritage [The scholar behind the Battle of Anghiari in Palazzo Vecchio, documented by Quilici in a NG movie in 2009], this technique is hardly significant in a tomb where it is too hot and the temperature difference is minimal. There is also a comparison of ideas on how to use drones to photograph the Valley from above, which is now forbidden for security reasons. And finally, we expect the free way to the third georadar, which will have to say a definite word on the hidden rooms.
QUESTION -  Behind the scenes of your "missions" alongside Hawass, between shots and technical problems, they are very spicy. They tell of a clever Egyptologist, animated by great intuition and practical sense, a true force of nature. After the Revolution of 2011 reappears now in a large powder ...
ANSWER -  Hawass is back. The only one who has the experience and charisma to guide such a delicate quest. It will put in place a team with the industry's most experienced experts for different skills, thinking about how to proceed to avoid damage to structures and paintings. Hawass has always been skeptical about the use of georadar, scorched by previous attempts at almost comical results, explains it in his written intervention, but is a person capable of recapturing, changing his mind it seems to me to be impressed by the technology and professionalism that the Italian team has now put in place.
Picture Caption - Zahi Hawass inspects the Tutankamun mummy still kept in the burial chamber
QUESTION -  In your story there is a chapter devoted to the other two great mysteries unresolved by archeology in Egypt: the search for the tombs of Alexander the Great and Cleopatra. Do you think that the forces in the field for the resolution of these two "cold houses" are comparable to the efforts of the Valley of the Kings?
ANSWER -  Sincerely, I do not think so, because nobody thinks it's possible to find them. Of Alexander and Cleopatra has long been traced, perhaps the latter swallowed by the sea, with its palace and its tomb, sunken on the backdrops in ancient times, although my friend Archeologist Kathy Martinez, who since 2005 Taposiris Magna She swears she does not get peace until she finds out where she is. There are over one hundred expeditions that have attempted to find again, in vain, the ruins of Alexander. There is also the curious theory of an English scholar, Andrew Chugg, who claims that Alexander's remains would be brought to Venice under a false name, such as the remains of Saint Mark. Hypotheses depicted by the academic world as stories of pure fantasy or metropolitan legends. The Valley of the Kings is another thing. The Valley of the Kings is still full of promises.
From: arce@arce-lists.org [mailto:arce@arce-lists.org] On Behalf Of Robin Young
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2017 4:24 PM
To: arce-chapters@arce-lists.org
Subject: [arce-chapters] Nefertiti, new clues
Thanks to John Adams for this post on you know who. I searched for 15 minutes online for the Italian piece on Nat Geo Italy to be in English, translatable or anything and it just is not in English at this point. So thanks for John's summary. Some important people have signed on, and it rather sounds like new, secret scans show something. Maybe this is the teaser the MOA threw out the other day.
The Italian National Geographic has published a review of "Enigma Nefertiti" by Brando Quilici and Zahi Hawass. Apparently scans have been done ...in KV 62 and the outside hills from February thru May with "very encouraging results" including a "strong conductive anomaly" beyond the north wall. Hawass also seems to agree Nefertiti became Smenkhare. Searching will resume in September; "we wait for the green light for the third GPR" looking for the hidden rooms in Tut's tomb. The article also states studies by Tom Hardwick and Ray Johnson are supportive of Nick Reeves' theories about the tomb.

Tom Hardwick

I am surprised that a comment I made privately to one person has turned up in an article written by someone I have never met or heard of; and surprised that my suggestion has been, furthermore, entirely mis-construed.

Without going into details in turn, the only possible interpretation for the pentimento is that the name of Ay was initially mis-written (this must have been, after all, one of the very first times it was written) and hurriedly corrected while the paint was wet. It argues, in fact, against the wall being re-painted and the tomb being re-used from an earlier king. This is grasping at straws.

Sulle tracce di Nefertiti
INTERVISTA Dove è sepolta la leggendaria regina? E a che punto è l'indagine sui segreti della famiglia di Tutankhamon? Lo raccontano in un nuovo libro Zahi Hawass, il faraone degli archeologi, e il documentarista…

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