Sunday, July 2, 2017

Egyptian Women Can" scientists tour Old Cairo - Egypt Today
Part of the visitors in Old Cairo.

Egyptian Women Can" scientists tour Old Cairo

Sun, Jul. 2, 2017

CAIRO - 2 July 2017: Scientists participating in the "Egyptian Women Can" conference which will be held on July 2 and 3 in Nasr City, visited Cairo's Old City on Saturday.

The participants of the conference visited the Jewish temple, the Hanging Church, and other Christian monuments in the area of Old Cairo.

During the tour, the participants listened to the history of the Church of St. George and the Hanging Church.

The conference will be attended by 34 Egyptian women from various fields of specialization and leaders from most countries of the world, to present future plans and visions in support of Egypt.

Hanging Church Old Cairo-via Wikimedian commons
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