Thursday, July 27, 2017

Egypt foils attempt to smuggle collection of coins from different eras - Greco-Roman - Heritage - Ahram Online

Egypt foils attempt to smuggle collection of coins from different eras

Nevine El-Aref , Thursday 27 Jul 2017

The Archaeological Unit at Egypt's Red Sea port of Safaga seized 204 coins from different historical eras that were being smuggled from Egypt to Dubai, according to Dr Aymen Ashmawi, head of the Ancient Egyptian Antiquities Sector at the Ministry of Antiquities.

Ahmed El-Rawi, head of Central Administration of the Archaeological Units in Egyptian Ports, said that the coins include 17 metal coins from the Graeco-Roman era, one from the Umayyad period, two from the Ottoman era and 10 from Khedival Egypt.

Coins from other countries were also seized.

Mohamed Etman, director of the Bahariya Archaeological Unit, said that the unit also confiscated an old Atlas Book from 1922.

Some of the seized coins
The seized Atlas

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