Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Ancient High House Hosts The Splendour of Ancient Egypt > A Little Bit of Stone
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Ancient High House Hosts The Splendour of Ancient Egypt

The splendour of Ancient Egypt comes to Stafford with an exhibition at the Ancient High House exploring the art and culture of Ancient Egypt.

From 27 June to 9 September, 10am til 4pm Tuesday to Saturday, visitors can see the past brought to life through rare artefacts and texts from a long lost age.

This opportunity to see rare artefacts from the Age of the Pharaohs and to learn about life in Ancient Egypt will have on display a collection of beautifully carved stone figures including images of the Egyptian gods and goddesses. The exhibition also looks at the story of local man, Henry Salt, who travelled extensively throughout Egypt, collecting artefacts, which would form the basis of the British Museum's archive.

Highlights include some wonderful alabaster vessels and a collection of Royal Scarabs, beetle-like seals with the cartouches of the monarchs etched into them. Another very rare artefact is a ring with the name of Akhenaten, who was a radical leader and outlawed all the gods except for the Sun-God Aten. When he died the priests reverted to their old ways and his name was removed from the monuments and the temples – an item bearing this pharaoh's name is a great rarity.


More information about the Ancient High House can be found on the Borough Council's website.

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