Saturday, July 29, 2017 Weekly Digest

Juan Carlos Moreno                                            Garcia Juan Carlos Moreno Garcia
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

"The study of ancient Egyptian administration". In: J. C. Moreno García (ed.), Ancient Egyptian Administration (Handbuch der Orientalistik, I.104), Brill, Leiden-Boston, 2013, p. 1-17.

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John Coleman Darnell John Coleman Darnell
Bookmarked by Colleen Manassa Darnell

Iconographic Attraction, Iconographic Syntax, and Tableaux of Royal Ritual Power in the Pre- and Proto-Dynastic Rock Inscriptions of the Theban Western Desert

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Arlette David Arlette David
Bookmarked by Kasia Szpakowska

Hoopoes and Acacias: Decoding an Ancient Egyptian Funerary Scene

JNES 73 (2014) 235-252

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Yann Tristant Yann Tristant
Bookmarked by Salima Ikram

Neolithic occupation of an artesian spring: KS043 in the Kharga Oasis, Egypt

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Hendrik Hameeuw Hendrik Hameeuw
Bookmarked by Colleen Manassa Darnell

Relighting Egyptian Rock Art: Rapid, Accurate HD Imaging of Prehistoric Petroglyphs

Within the framework of the project " Tracing Palaeolithic Aurochs: Rock Art Survey in Upper Egypt " , financed by the National Geographic Society, the authors participated in the long standing tradition of Belgian rock art research in Egypt. Under the direction of Dr. Dirk Huyge, extensive stretches of rock formations along wadi's in the Eastern Desert between Edfu and Kom Ombo were surveyed in October-November 2014 for the presence of more prehistoric rock art sites, similar to the ones already discovered and studied by the Belgian team in this same region at Qurta and el-Hosh (Huyge et...

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Jiri Janak Jiri Janak
Bookmarked by Colleen Manassa Darnell

The Ibis - Special Connection between Egypt and Austria

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Jiri Janak Jiri Janak
Bookmarked by Colleen Manassa Darnell


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Hatem Bazian Hatem Bazian
University of California, BerkeleyNear Eastern Studies, Faculty Member

1492 Expulsion, Inquisition, Balfour Declaration and the European Question.pdf

1492 Expulsion, Inquisition, Balfour Declaration and the European question! "The Balfour Declaration is the triumph of Europe's Inquisition over inclusion and equality." The combination of the 1492 Expulsion and Inquisition of Muslims and Jews may seem out of place at a first glance when the Balfour Declaration is discussed and added to the list. For sure, all these three are monumental events, but while in the case of the Expulsion and Inquisition the consequences were immediate and discernable with hundreds of thousands effected, the Balfour Declaration is...

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Leandro Durazzo Leandro Durazzo

Conhecimentos da mata sagrada, ciência do índio do Nordeste

Esta comunicação buscará, através de uma reflexão ao mesmo tempo epistemológica e etnográfica, discutir a polissemia presente nas noções de "ciência" empregadas tanto na tradição moderna e ocidental da comunidade científica internacional (Tambiah, 1990) quanto nas práticas e dinâmicas de conhecimento (Barth, 1975) de diferentes povos indígenas do Nordeste brasileiro. A investigação de tal multivocidade permitirá traçar indicativos referentes aos modos de conhecimento dos povos indígenas, ancorados quer no segredo de seus rituais e práticas ocultos (um pouco nos moldes de Barth), quer na...

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claire farago claire farago
University of Colorado, BoulderArt and Art History, Emeritus

Whose History? Why? When? Who Benefits, and Who Doesn't?

Published in New Worlds: Frontiers, Inclusion, Utopias, ed. Claudia Mattos Avulse and Roberto Conduru, Proceedings of the International Congress for the History of Art, Rio de Janeiro, August 25-29, 2015, Sao Paulo, 2017.

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Academia, 251 Kearny St., Suite 520, San Francisco, CA, 94108

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