Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Academia.edu Weekly Digest

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Kim Ridealgh Kim Ridealgh
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

A Tale of Suppressions and Semantics: Reinterpreting Papyrus Mayer A and the So-called 'War of the High Priest' during the Reign of Ramesses XI

The 'War of the High Priest' is a phrase commonly used by scholars to refer to the so-called 'suppression' of the High Priest of Amun Amenhotep by the King's Son of Kush Panehsy during the reign of the last Ramesside king, Ramesses XI. The precise date of this event is debated, but it likely occurred around Regnal Year 17 or 18 of Ramesses XI (c. 1089–1088 BCE). The sources that document the 'War of the High Priest' are limited (P. Mayer A, P. BM EA 10383, P. BM EA 10052, and the Karnak Inscription) and scholarly opinion on the topic is hotly divided. What is clear, however, is that the...

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Ute Rummel Ute Rummel
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

War, death and burial of the High Priest Amenhotep: The archaeological record at Dra' Abu el-Naga

The historical events at the end of the New Kingdom that constitute the prelude to the wHm-mswt-era have been the subject of extensive scientific debate. So far, only textual sources have been available to evaluate this politically turbulent period, which was marked by a civil war against the High Priest of Amun, Amenhotep. By presenting the relevant findings obtained in the double tomb complex K93.11/K93.12 at Dra' Abu el-Naga, the archaeological perspective is added to the discussion. One central concern is the date of Amenhotep's death and burial and the destruction of K93.11/K93.12 in...

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Lorenzo Nigro Lorenzo Nigro
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

An EB IIIB (2500-2300 BC) gemstones necklace from the Palace of the Copper Axes at Khirbet al-Batrawy, Jordan

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Cuadernos de Literatura Cuadernos de Literatura
Pontificia Universidad JaverianaDepartamento de Literatura, Faculty Member

Silviano Santiago, "Una literatura anfibia"

En Brasil, la literatura es un campo en el que la estética —su componente cosmopolita— es inseparable de la política —su componente nacional—. La naturaleza híbrida, o anfibia, de la literatura brasilera contemporánea puede tener como efecto la alienación de los lectores tanto en el país como en el extranjero. Para los escritores literarios, la ficción constituye simultáneamente la producción y la diseminación del conocimiento, por medio de principios tomados de la vanguardia. Este doble proyecto solo es consumido por unos pocos en Brasil, en virtud de la alta tasa de analfabetismo....

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Thomas Schneider Thomas Schneider
Bookmarked by Kasia Szpakowska

Fremdwörter in der ägyptischen Militärsprache des Neuen Reiches und ein Bravourstück des Elitesoldaten (Pap. Anastasi I 23, 2-7), in: Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities 35(2008), 181–205.

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Salvatore Tufano Salvatore Tufano
Bookmarked by Nicolas Grimal

Translation, Introduction, and Commentary on Plutarch's Narrationes Amatoriae

in Lelli, E. - Pisani, G. (eds.), Plutarco di Cheronea. Tutti i Moralia. Prima traduzione italiana completa, Milan 2017, pp.1490-7; 2812-7 (pdf upon request)

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Bill Angelbeck Bill Angelbeck
Douglas CollegeAnthropology, Faculty Member

Archaeology as Therapy: Connecting Belongings, Knowledge, Time, Place, and Well-Being (with Comments and Reply)

Our research, teaching, and outreach engagements with descendant communities are identifying a therapeutic role for archaeology. We argue that community-based archaeology—meaning community-directed studies of ancestral places practiced by invitation—can improve individual and communal health and well-being. Archaeology has untapped potential to elicit and confirm connections among people, places, objects, knowledges, ancestries, ecosystems, and world-views. Such interconnections endow individuals and communities with identities, relationships, and orientations that are foundational for...

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Mads Ravn Mads Ravn
VejleMuseerneArchaeology, Faculty Member

Kulturarv i nåtid og framtid

This work is not my work but that of professor Grete Lillehammer. It has contributions from a number of authors including me mainly on the research policy at the Museum of Archaeology that I developed with the museum between 2008 and 2012. The book is a historical survey of the interrelationships between cultural management, heritage research, and knowledge production of the archaeological heritage carried out firstly by Stavanger Museum and later by Museum of Archaeology, in Rogaland County, Southwestern Norway from 1877 and onwards. The overview is initiated on basis of a status report...

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Andrea Zezza Andrea Zezza
Università della Campania Luigi VanvitelliDipartimento di Lettere e Beni Culturali, Faculty Member

Bernardo De Dominici e le vite degli artisti napoletani (prime pagine)

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Tomislav Galović Tomislav Galović
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences [Filozofski fakultet]Department of History and Institute of Croatian History, Faculty Member


TKO JE OPATЬ PETARЬ ROGOVSKI IZ KALENDARA-NEKROLOGA GLAGOLJIČNE REGULE SV. BENEDIKTA?, In: Hrvatsko glagoljaštvo u europskom okružju. Zbornik radova Međunarodnoga znanstvenoga skupa povodom 110. obljetnice Staroslavenske akademije i 60. obljetnice Staroslavenskoga instituta, Krk, 5. i 6. listopada 2012., eds. by Vesna Badurina Stipčević, Sandra Požar, Franjo Velčić, Zagreb: Staroslavenski institut (Bibliotheca Glagolitica Croatica, knj. 2.), 2015., 153-166. (Summary: WHO IS OPATЬ PETARЬ ROGOVSKI IN THE MEMORIAL CALENDAR OF THE GLAGOLITIC RULE OF ST. BENEDICT?) The Rule of St. Benedict,...

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