Tuesday, June 20, 2017

AWOL - The Ancient World Online: Open Access Annual Report: AERA Annual Reports (Ancient Egypt Research Associates)

On 06/19/17 04:30, Charles Jones wrote:
Open Access Annual Report: AERA Annual Reports (Ancient Egypt Research Associates)  [First posted in AWOL 27 August 2014, updated 19 June 2017]

AERA Annual Reports (Ancient Egypt Research Associates)
Ancient Egypt Research Associates explores Egypt's archaeological record seeking the origins of civilization. Our mission is to contribute insight and understanding to the present awareness of cultural evolution.

In recent years, we have explored the development of urbanism, labor organization, and the elementary structures of ancient daily life at the once-Lost City of the pyramid builders at Giza.

AERA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded by Dr. Mark Lehner and Matthew McCauley, with the assistance of Margaret Sears, in 1985 for the purpose of funding and facilitating the research of the Giza Plateau Mapping Project, which grew out of the Sphinx Project.
Annual Report 2014-2015
Two Sites, Two Field Schools: Analysis & Publication and Beginners
Excavations: Areas Standing Wall Island & AA-South
Glen Dash Foundation Great Pyramid Survey
Waterways & Harbors During the Old Kingdom
Taking A Closer Look: Discoveries in the Lab

Download a PDF of our 2015 Annual Report

Annual Report 2013-2014
Bread and Beer for Dead Kings: Piety and Politics (Silo Building Complex)
Putting the Pieces Together (Material Culture Analysis)
Giza's Back Bay: Marina del Rey (Queen Khentkawes Town)
Cathcing Up with Our Field School Alums

Download a PDF of our 2014 Annual Report
Annual Report 2012-2013
A Run of Royal Favor: History from Clay Sealings
Dining in a High Status House: The Good Life 4th Dynasty Style
A Rare Snapshot of Ancient Fields: Multi-Cropped Food, Fodder & Fuel
Data Curation Project: Phase 1 Completed

Download a PDF of our 2013 Annual Report
Annual Report 2011-2012
2012 Field Season Excavations
2011-2012 Archaeological Field Schools
Archaeological Sciences: Hippo Hip and Olive Pit
Glen Dash Foundation Survey

Download a PDF of our 2012 Annual Report
Annual Report 2010-2011
Khentkawes Town East
The Luxor Study Field School
AERA-Egypt Receives NGO Status

Download a PDF of our 2011 Annual Report
Annual Report 2009-2010
Salvage Archaeology & Analysis and Publication Field Schools
The AERA Egypt Center
Capital Zone Walkabout 2010

Download a PDF of our 2010 Annual Report
Annual Report 2008-2009
The 2009 Advanced Field School
Giza Center Becomes a Reality
Celebrating 20 Years of Discovery in Giza

Download a PDF of our 2009 Annual Report

And see also the following Annual Reports of field seasons at Giza] published in the Oriental Institute Annual Report

--   Sent from my Linux system.

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