Monday, June 19, 2017 Weekly Digest

Nicholas Reeves Nicholas Reeves
Bookmarked by Christopher Naunton

The Coffin of Ramesses II (2017)

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Uroš Matić Uroš Matić
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Body and Frames of War in New Kingdom Egypt: Treatments of enemies and prisoners (Doctoral dissertation)-contents

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Aren Maeir Aren Maeir
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Early Bronze Age pebble installations from Tell es- Safi/Gath, Israel: evidence for their function and utilization Early Bronze Age pebble installations from Tell es-Safi/Gath, Israel: evidence for their function and utilization

Pebble stone installations are commonly found at various Early Bronze Age sites in the southern Levant. However, their function is often assumed or unknown. Thirteen circular pebble installations were found scattered throughout a residential neighbourhood dating to the Early Bronze Age III at Tell es-Safi/Gath. Five such installations were recently studied by implementing an integrated micro-archaeological approach by which all micro-and macro-artefacts were analysed using various analytical techniques. Based on the analysis of ash-micro remains identified in the sediments, associated plant...

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Juan Carlos Moreno                                            Garcia Juan Carlos Moreno Garcia
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

"The study of ancient Egyptian administration". In: J. C. Moreno García (ed.), Ancient Egyptian Administration (Handbuch der Orientalistik, I.104), Brill, Leiden-Boston, 2013, p. 1-17.

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John Coleman Darnell John Coleman Darnell
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Festival of Opet

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Joseph Maran
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

The Mycenaean Palaces

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Philippe Matthey Philippe Matthey
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

"The Once and Future King of Egypt. 'Apocalyptic' Literature in Egypt and the Construction of the Alexander Romance", in Luca Arcari (ed.), Beyond Conflicts. Cultural and Religious Cohabitations in Alexandria and in Egypt between the 1st and the 6th century CE, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2017, p. 47‑72

This paper proposes a reflection on the construction of the Alexander Romance and its Egyptian "apocalyptic" literary roots. As pointed out by many scholars, many Egyptian influences can be felt throughout the Alexander Romance: the story begins with a portrait of the last native Egyptian pharaoh Nectanebo II, who is revealed as Alexander the Great's true father; and Alexander's arrival in Egypt is presented along the lines of an Egyptian motif of the saviour king. Interestingly enough, the figure of king Nectanebo plays a prominent role in another literary text known as Nectanebo's Dream,...

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Uroš Matić Uroš Matić
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Matić, Uroš. 2015. Was there ever a "Minoan" princess on the Egyptian court? In ''A History of Research into Ancient Egyptian Culture Conducted in Southeast Europe'' (ed. M. Tomorad), 145-156. Oxford: Archaeopress

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Henry Colburn Henry Colburn
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

The Sixth Satrapy: The Archaeology of Egypt under Achaemenid Rule

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Juan Manuel Tebes Juan Manuel Tebes
Bookmarked by Nicolas Grimal

Iconographies of the Sacred and Power of the Desert Nomads: A Reappraisal of the Desert Rock Art of the Late Bronze / Iron Age Southern Levant and Northwestern Arabia. Die Welt des Orients 47/1 (2017), 4-24.

During the Late Bronze and Iron Ages, the vast arid areas of the southern Levant, northwestern Arabia and Sinai were inhabited by populations whose main way of living was nomadic herding and trade, small-scale agriculture and occasional mining, complemented with a few settled centers. The nomadic, non-literate communities have been traditionally studied through the lenses of the outside written sources (especially, the New Kingdom Egyptian and Neo-Assyrian inscriptions) and sometimes seen as intrinsically stable, unranked societies. However, the desert societies left an enormous record of...

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