Monday, May 22, 2017

Fwd: Tell Basta Museum restoration project to begin
On 05/21/17 12:30, rss-Arts & Culture wrote:
Tell Basta Museum restoration project to begin \

Artifact from Tell Basta Museum – File photo

Tell Basta Museum restoration project to begin

Sun, May. 21, 2017

CAIRO – 21 May 2017: The measurments of Tell Basta Museum's floor area has been completed, Head of the Projects Sector at the Ministry of Antiquities Waad Abou el-Ela announced Saturday to Egypt Today on Saturday. A contract will be signed next week with the company assigned to execute the project in Sharqia governorate.

Abou el-Ela said that the minister of Antiquities gave instructions to finish the Tell Basta Museum Project as soon as possible, which includes maintaining 43 showcases inside the museum.

Moreover, the museum will house more than 1000 artifacts for display. These artifacts reflect people's social life in Sharqia and their distinguishable crafts, customs, traditions, thoughts and religious views.

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