Monday, May 8, 2017

Djoser Pyramid restoration 90% complete - Egypt Today
Pyramid of Djoser /Reuters

Djoser Pyramid restoration 90% complete

Wed, May. 3, 2017

CAIRO - 3 MAY 2017: More than 90 percent of the restoration work at Djoser Pyramid, also known as the Step Pyramid, has been completed, the head of the Projects Sector at the Ministry of Antiquities, Waad Abul-Ela, said Tuesday.

The pyramid will be open to the public once maintenance works are approved.

"We are also working on repairing the southern tomb," Abul-Ela added.

Djoser Pyramid, located in Saqqara, Giza, was built approximately 4700 years ago. Archaeologists believe it was the first pyramid built in ancient Egypt and is now the oldest stone structure of its size in the world. It is 62 meters high and consists of six 'steps' built atop one another.

In 2015, the cabinet approved the allocation of 15.3 million EGP ($844,000) for the pyramid's restoration.
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