Sunday, May 28, 2017 Weekly Digest

John Coleman Darnell John Coleman Darnell
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

A Bureaucratic Challenge? Archaeology and Administration in a Desert Environment (Second Millennium B.C.E.)

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Aaron A Burke Aaron A Burke
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

"You have entered Joppa": 3D Modeling of Jaffa's New Kingdom Egyptian Gate

From 2011 to 2014, the Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project excavated several phases of an Egyptian New Kingdom gate complex located in Jaffa, Israel. Excavations in 2013 revealed extensive remains of the Level IVB/Phase RG-4a gate, which was destroyed in a major conflagration ca. 1135 B.C.E. In 2015, work began on a digital reconstruction of the gate's architecture and its environs. This reconstruction sheds new light on the gate complex and the interrelationships between its many architectural elements. The process has led to some suggestions as to how the extant remains might be...

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Juan Carlos Moreno                                            Garcia Juan Carlos Moreno Garcia
Bookmarked by Antonio J. Morales

Egipto en el Imperio Antiguo (2650-2150 a. C.), Barcelona, 2004 ― 344 p.

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Franck Monnier Franck Monnier
Bookmarked by John Ward

(Franck Monnier and Alexander Puchkov), The construction phases of the Bent Pyramid at Dahshur. A reassessment, ENiM 9, 2016

Abstract : The architectural peculiarities of the Bent pyramid built by Snefru at South Dahshur are the subject of two currents of interpretation. The first one consists in seeing the symbolic and deliberated expression of a duality, and the second one, modifications due to structural problems that occurred during the construction work. This article reviews the archaeological situation by bringing unpublished and additional observations. Some details that have been unnoticed by commentators so far, as well as the pathology of the building, lead to confirm that the builders changed their...

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John Coleman Darnell John Coleman Darnell
Bookmarked by Colleen Manassa Darnell

Late Predynastic/Early Dynastic Rock Art Scenes of Barbary Sheep Hunting in Egypt's Western Desert. From Capturing Wild Animals to the Women of the "Acacia House"

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Aren Maeir Aren Maeir
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Maeir, A. M. 2017. Khirbet Qeiyafa in Its Regional Context: A View from Philistine Gath. Pp. 61–71 in Khirbet Qeiyafa in the Shephelah, eds. Schroer and Münger. OBO 282. Fribourg.

Perspective on the finds at Khirbet Qeiyafa in light of the finds from the nearby Philistine site of Tell es-Safi/Gath

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Ute Rummel Ute Rummel
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Generating „Millions of Years": Iunmutef and the Ritual Aspect of Divine Kingship

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Evangelos Kyriakidis Evangelos Kyriakidis
Bookmarked by Kasia Szpakowska

'Archaeologies of Ritual', in Kyriakidis, E. (ed.), 2007. The Archaeology of Ritual, Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology UCLA publications, pp. 289-308

Of all the overarching, overlapping, and sometimes overworked themes of this book, there are three that I would like the reader to keep in mind. First are issues of definition and the relationship between ritual and religion. Second is the discipline of archaeology itself, the material it deals with, and the ways it is influenced by that material as a discipline, with certain given abilities, limitations, and interests. And, last come the various perspectives of study, some new and others old, that could be seen as fruitful avenues for future research, different archaeologies of ritual. In...

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Johannes Auenmüller Johannes Auenmüller
Bookmarked by Miroslav Barta

Bemerkungen zur Datierung der Mastaba des Ti in Saqqara, Göttingen Miszellen 240, 2014, 7-18.

This article aims to discuss the dating of the Mastaba of Ti in Saqqara. Several scholarly perspectives on the chronology of this famous mo- nument are dealt with, focussing on and contrasting their methods and results. There are two general points of view regarding its date, one that argues for the time of the kings Neferirkare and Niuserre, the other favouring a later date from the time of Niuserra until the end of the 5th Dynasty. In taking the available evidence and scholarly litera- ture into account and describing the underlying reasons for the dif- ferent conclusions, the discrepancy...

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Benjamin Sass Benjamin Sass
Bookmarked by Nicolas Grimal

2016 festschrift. Finkelstein I., Robin C. and Römer T. eds. Alphabets, texts and artifacts in the ancient Near East. Studies presented to Benjamin Sass. Paris.

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