Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Defining Historical Fiction in New Kingdom Egypt - Academia.edu Weekly Digest


Colleen Manassa Darnell Colleen Manassa Darnell
Bookmarked by Miroslav Barta

Defining Historical Fiction in New Kingdom Egypt

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Ellen Morris Ellen Morris
Bookmarked by Rita Lucarelli

Egypt, Ugarit, the god Ba'al, and the puzzle of a royal rebuff.

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John                                          Coleman Darnell John Coleman Darnell
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

A Bureaucratic Challenge? Archaeology and Administration in a Desert Environment (Second Millennium B.C.E.)

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Nicholas Reeves Nicholas Reeves
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Tutankhamun's Mask Reconsidered (2015)

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Ivan                                          Ladynin Ivan Ladynin
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Late Dynastic Period

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Helmut Satzinger Helmut Satzinger
Bookmarked by Kasia Szpakowska

"The scarab on the cat's forehead." Essays in honour of Prof. Dr. Jadwiga Lipinska. (= Warsaw Egyptological Studies I.), 1997, 399-407; pl. LXIII.

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Ilona Regulski Ilona Regulski
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

The Origins and Early Development of Writing in Egypt

The Egyptian writing system represents one of the oldest recorded languages known to humankind, along with Sumerian. But the system took centuries to adapt to what we now regard as its primary function: the encoding of continuous speech. Major changes in the historical and social-linguistic environment of late Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt (ca. 3250–2700 BC) left traces in the written communication and steered significant developments in the early writing system. After a brief introduction of the earliest evidence of writing in Egypt, this chapter will focus on the long and complex...

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David Klotz David Klotz
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

The Enigmatic Statuette of Djehutymose (MFA 24.743): Deputy of Wawat and Viceroy of Kush

During excavations at the temple of Taharqa at Semna, George Reisner discovered an exceptional New Kingdom private statuette covered with short cryptographic inscriptions. The peculiar texts on this statuette, now in the collection at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston (MFA 24.743), received a preliminary treatment by Étienne Drioton in the extensive catalogue of the Semna excavations by D. Dunham and J. Janssen (1960). Nevertheless, this object has otherwise garnered little scholarly attention. A new translation of the enigmatic texts raises important considerations for understanding both...

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W.                                          Paul van Pelt W. Paul van Pelt
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Van Pelt, W.P. 2013. Archaeology and Cultural Mixture: Creolization, Hybridity and Mestizaje. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 28.1.

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Harold Hays Harold Hays
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

The Historicity of Papyrus Westcar

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