Friday, March 10, 2017

ARCE part of the story in Heliopolis

From: <> on behalf of Kathleen Scott
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2017 10:27 AM
To: ARCE Chapters
Subject: [arce-chapters] ARCE part of the story in Heliopolis
Dear Chapters,

You have probably seen the excitement over the recent discoveries of large statues in Heliopolis. Here is the NPR story - 
Archaeologists suspect that the damaged statue, more than 25 feet tall, depicts Ramses II — aka Ozymandias. One of English literature's most famous poems describes a broken, forgotten statue of him.

ARCE has had a part in this since it was an emergency AEF grant given in 2015 that initially enabled the team to continue working. See the story from 2015.

Best wishes,

Kathleen Scott
Director of Publications
American Research Center in Egypt

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