Monday, February 27, 2017 Weekly Digest

Marleen De Meyer Marleen De Meyer
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

The Early Old Kingdom at Nuwayrāt in the 16th Upper Egyptian Nome

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Colleen Manassa Darnell Colleen Manassa Darnell
Bookmarked by Rita Lucarelli

Review of M.S. Ali, Hieratische Ritzinschriften aus Theben (Wiesbaden, 2002)

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Graciela Gestoso Singer Graciela Gestoso Singer
Bookmarked by Carlos Borrico

Fortunes and Misfortunes of Messengers and Merchants in the Amarna Letters. In: O. Drewnowska- M. Sandowicz (eds.). 2017. Fortune and Misfortune in the Ancient Near East. Proceedings of the 60th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Warsaw 21–25 July 2014. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, pp. 143-164.

The Amarna Archive is considered a privileged source for the study of the role of messengers and merchants in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Bronze Age. Messengers can be documented in an important spectrum of activities, such as bearers of messages, mediators of communication, carriers of goods, merchants, escorts of royal brides and their dowries, carriers of greeting-gifts, witnesses to legal process and transactions, informants, and spies. The complex diplomatic and economic contacts included political alliances and the exchange of gifts between the Great Kings through an...

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Deborah Vischak
Bookmarked by Miroslav Barta

Agency in Old Kingdom elite tomb programs: traditions, locations, and variable meanings

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Juan                                          Carlos Moreno Garcia Juan Carlos Moreno Garcia
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

"Ḥwt jḥ(w)t, the administration of the Western Delta and the 'Libyan question' in the third millennium BC", The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 101 (2015), 25-61.

Third millennium Ḥwt jḥ(w)t is a locality that stands apart from other Lower Egyptian sites. Its unique archaeological and epigraphic record provides an invaluable view of the role played by a Delta centre within the administrative and productive organisation of the kingdom in the third millennium BC. It thus appears that Ḥwt jḥ(w)t was a kind of checkpoint regulating access to grazing land and plant resources in the underpopulated Western Delta. Furthermore, this was a region where Libyan populations historically settled and exploited its pasture land. Finally, traces of exchange networks...

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Jan                                          Bremmer Jan Bremmer
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Atheism in Antiquity

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Davide Nadali Davide Nadali
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Alessandro Di Ludovico, Davide Nadali, Andrea Polcaro, Marco Ramazzotti, 2016, From Monument to Urban Complex: The City of Ebla as Symbol of Royal Ideology

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Jan                                          Dietrich Jan Dietrich
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Coping with Disasters in Antiquity and the Bible: Practical and Mental Strategies, in: F. Riede (ed.), Past Vulnerability: volcanic eruptions and human vulnerability in traditional societies past and present, Aarhus 2015, 151-167

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Aren                                          Maeir Aren Maeir
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Faerman, M., Boaretto, E., Uziel, J., Maeir, A. M., and Smith, P. 2011. "…In Their Lives, and in Their Death…": A Preliminary Study of an Iron Age Burial Cave at Tell es-Safi, Israel. ZDPV 127(1): 29–48.

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Prague Egyptological                                          Studies (PES) Prague Egyptological Studies (PES)
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

The miraculous rise of the Fifth Dynasty – The story of Papyrus Westcar and historical evidence (by Miroslav Verner)

The decline of the powerful Fourth Dynasty and the rise of a new royal line, the Fifth Dynasty, have for a long time been shrouded in mystery and have become the stuff of legends. These events are referred to in the tale of the miraculous rise of the first three kings of the Fifth Dynasty, recorded on the Papyrus Westcar. However, relevant historical sources relating to the ascension of the new dynasty have for a long time been only few and ambiguous. The mystery surrounding the ascension of the Fifth Dynasty has now been altered fundamentally by new archaeological discoveries, in...

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