Monday, February 27, 2017

A Touch of Glass | iMalqata
On 02/25/17 10:07, iMalqata Blog wrote:
A Touch of Glass

Diana Craig Patch

A hundred years ago when The Met excavated the King’s Palace, the archaeologists found many pieces of glass, some of which conservators reconstructed into recognizable vessels. These early glass vessels remain quite rare, especially when they survive the past thirty three hundred years in one piece. The ones found at Malqata were not so lucky but still what is in The Met collection speaks to what was in use at Malqata.

A perfectly preserved spindle jar and a bag-shaped jar from the time of Akhenaten, Amenhotep III’s son.   (Purchase, Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1926 (26.7.1176); Edward C. Moore Collection, Bequest of Edward C. Moore, 1891 (91.1.1365)


A fragment from a goblet from the early Met excavations at Malqata. Museum Accession (X.204.2)

We continue to hunt at the Industrial Site for a glass production or processing area. We still have not been successful, but the clues that it was in the area are numerous.

Fragments of unworked glass from a level in N155/E180


The best clue however was a lovely fragment in pale turquoise festooned with white, yellow and dark blue glass rods or canes.

Fragment of decorated glass from a vessel (JEMIS.2017.3)

Although this style of decoration is well known, there are many variations on the theme, perhaps as many as there were creative artists making the glass vessels. Our fragment mostly likely belonged to a wide-mouth, necked goblet, such as this reconstructed example from earlier archaeology. Although no rim is preserved, one edge is cleanly broken retaining a slight curve, this point and the lack of curve over the shard’s surface suggests it was from neck of a wide-mouthed jar, such as a goblet.

A goblet from the early Met excavations at Malqata. Rogers Fund (12.180.161)





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