Monday, January 30, 2017

Larry Berman coming to SF Legion of Honor Feb. 11


supporting Antiquities at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco


Spring 2017 Programs


Florence Gould Theater | Legion of Honor

100 - 34th Avenue | Lincoln Park | San Francisco


Saturday, 11 February, 2:00 pm


Dr. Lawrence Berman

Norma Jean Calderwood Senior Curator

of Ancient Egyptian, Nubian, and Near Eastern Art

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston


The Priest, the Prince, and the Pasha:

The Life and Afterlife of an Ancient Egyptian Sculpture


One of the treasures of the Egyptian collection of

the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, is a small head

of an old man, broken off from a statue, in a fine,

hard, dark gray-green stone called graywacke.

Known as the Boston Green Head after the color

of the stone and the place where it now resides,

this masterful portrait of a shaven-headed Egyptian priest

has a remarkable modern history reaching back to the

beginnings of Egyptian archeology. The successive stages

of that history and the colorful individuals involved

reflect the reception of Egyptian art in the modern era.


Book signing to follow lecture. Copies available in the Legion Bookstore.

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