Thursday, January 5, 2017

AWOL - The Ancient World Online: New Open Access Journal: Newsletter of TAU Archaeology
Charles Jones wrote:
> Newsletter of TAU Archaeology
> <>
> The Jacob M. Alkow Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures
> and the Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archeology
> Tel Aviv University
> January 2017 <>
> The newsletter of the Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology and
> the Department of Archaeology and Near Eastern Cultures, Tel-Aviv
> University, is a great opportunity to present the people, the achievements,
> the research and publications, conducted in the largest and most dynamic
> archaeological institution operating in Israel today, both in the quantity
> and quality of research.
> The mission of the Institute and the Department is to study and to teach the
> archaeology of the Land of Israel, the Levant and the major Ancient Near
> Eastern cultures (Egyptian, Mesopotamian and
> Anatolian) in pre- and proto-historic times, in the Bronze and Iron Ages,
> and up to the classical periods...
> We hope that this newsletter will reflect our activities and achievements,
> our research, teaching, publications and our students, and will present the
> people who stand behind them. They, after all, are our real treasure.
> See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies
> <>

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