Monday, December 19, 2016 Weekly Digest

Top papers from your news feed from the last week

Bárta, M.  2000. The mastaba of Ptahsepses Junior II at Abusir. Egypt and the Levant 10:45-66.
by Miroslav  Barta
Publication of one of the major mastabas built on the pyramid field of Abusir during the time of Nyuserra or shortly thereafter, ca 2400 BC. This structure belonged to one of the sons of the vizier Ptahshepses, Ptahsepses Junior. He executed, as one of the oldest known officials, the office of the Overseer of Upper Egypt. His mastaba's architecture belongs to a newly established type of monumental elite tomb featuring large open cultic court, east-west oriented chapel and a burial chamber with a central pillar.

M. Bárta 2015. A reassembled false-door from the time of Nyuserra, Bulletin of the Egyptological Seminar 19, 131-138
by Miroslav  Barta
The study focuses on the false door of the sun priest of Neferinpu discovered in Abusir. This monument of exceptional quality dates to the reign of the Fifth Dynasty king Nyuserra (around 2400 BC) and sheds light on a career of a particular official of this vibrant period of the Old Kingdom history.

The Amduat and its Relationship to the Architecture of Early New Kingdom Royal Burial Chambers
by Barbara Richter

Health and Medicine in Ancient Egypt: Magic and Science
by Paula Veiga
Health was a constant concern in life and even the deceased needed extra care so that they would be at their prime when enclosed in the sarcophagus; and in the possession of magical ‘weapons’ so that when they reached the Afterlife, they would be in complete possession of all their physical abilities. Medicine in ancient Egypt was trying to restrain all malefic beings from action and to preserve the well-being of the individual. Through this work, all descriptions and conceptions observed in the existing legacy of ancient Egypt will lead to conclusions that attest this unique duality: its...

God’s Seal-Bearers, Lector-Priests and Choachytes: Who’s Who at Memphis and Hawara.
by Maria G. Cannata

Roman Collecting and the Biographies of Egyptian Late Period Statues
by Henry  Colburn
Studies of Egyptian Late Period statuary often assume that the extant corpus is a representative sample of the artistic output of the Twenty-Sixth to Thirty-First Dynasties (c. 664–332 BCE). This assumption ignores the various human processes that affect the survival of statues after their initial dedication. In particular, the Roman practice of collecting Egyptian naophorous statues for reuse in cult spaces of Egyptian gods in Italy has skewed the chronological distribution of the corpus in favour of statues of Twenty-Sixth Dynasty date. This in turn informs perceptions of the...

Osiris in the Fourth Dynasty Again? The False Door of Jntj, MFA 31.781
by Andrey O Bolshakov

Theban Tomb Graffiti during the New Kingdom. Research on the Reception of Ancient Egyptian Images by Ancient Egyptians
by Alexis Den Doncker

„The Freedom of Fringe Art: À propos the Fish Bowls in the Second Intermediate Period,” in: O. Goelet  & A. Oppenheim (eds.), The Art and Culture of Ancient Egypt: Studies in Honor of Dorothea Arnold, Bulletin of the Egyptological Seminar 19   (2015), 157-178.
by Bettina  Bader and Manfred Bietak
During the excavations of the Hyksos Palace at Tell el-Daba under Manfred Bietak 2006-2011 pits filled with intentionally broken pottery together with charred animal bones were found.These are remains of ritual meals which ended by burying the broken pots and bones in big pits. The pits were found  was found in the southern courtyard of the palace which may have served as a congregation place for celebrating festivities such as funerary reasts or birthdays of gods. We know from the Ancient Near East such installations under the name "marzeah". As the palace was of pure Ancient Near Eastern...

by Bettina  Bader

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