Friday, December 2, 2016

Egypt Exploration Society Fieldwork and Research Grants 2017-18


Fieldwork and Research Grants 2017-18

The Egypt Exploration Society invites applications for grants to support fieldwork and research in Egypt. The total value of the funds available will be in the region of £40,000; the maximum that any single project will be allocated is £20,000.

The closing date for applications is 5 pm (GMT) on Saturday 31 December 2016. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Interviews will not be held; applications will be considered by the Society's Fieldwork & Research Committee in January 2017 and applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application no later than 28 February 2017.

Applications will be considered for archaeological fieldwork, survey, aspects of excavation and post-excavation research and scientific analyses; architectural and/or epigraphic recording and analysis; and artefact and art-historical research. We particularly encourage applications that include field training opportunities and/or means of engaging local communities in Egypt. Research on secondary sources will not be eligible, other than as an integral element of the other categories. In general, projects which are wholly concerned with cultural heritage management or the construction of permanent infrastructure, or whose budgets include a substantial investment in these issues in either absolute or relative terms, will not be eligible, but can be considered as an integral element of wider projects; additional applications may also be considered where fieldwork necessitates urgent heritage management or infrastructure works.


  • Applicants should be members of the Society, in good standing, and:

             - UK citizens, or

             - affiliated to a UK institution, or

             - the current Field Director of a major project that has been EES-funded within the past five years (i.e. excludes Centenary Award projects).

  • Applications should normally be submitted by the proposed Field Director, who should have a doctorate in Egyptology, archaeology or a suitable related discipline from a recognised educational institution, and substantial fieldwork training and experience, or can demonstrate an appropriate track record of Egyptological research.
  • An applicant may submit only one application in each financial year.
  • Applications will not be accepted from individuals who have previously directed Society projects unless that work has been published to the satisfaction of the Society, and appropriate financial reports on that work have been submitted, and any unused funding repaid.
  • The work described in the application made to the Society must be undertaken in the period April 2017 to October 2018.
  • The Society will expect grant recipients to disseminate the results of their funded research as quickly as possible and by all available appropriate means - online reports/blogs, presentations to EES members and/or donors and/or partner institutions, articles for the EES Newsletter/Egyptian Archaeology/Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, etc. We strongly encourage those operating in Egypt with the Society's support to make use of social networks to share news and images from their activities in the field.

The application form is available for download here. All applications must be submitted via email to:

More information


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