Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Fwd: How to support ARCE-NC while you shop.

To be clear about this, the 0.5% is NOT something that's tacked onto your bill. Amazon contributes the 0.5%.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: How to support ARCE-NC while you shop.
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2016 07:38:31 -0800
From: Glenn Meyer <glenn@glennmeyer.net>

If you shop on Amazon anyway, why not support your the ARCE chapter at the same time? Just click on the link in the text or image below to start shopping on Amazon, and when you buy, you'll be making a donation (typically 0.5%) to Northern California ARCE.

Thank you! (And thanks to Al Berens for sending this to me.)

Glenn Meyer
Publicity, ARCE-NC

Support us when you shop on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. #StartWithaSmile at smile.amazon.com/ch/47-0891218 and Amazon donates to American Research Center in Egypt Northern California Inc.

--   Sent from my Linux system.

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