Tuesday, November 15, 2016

(98) The Geo-Archaeological Information Applications Lab - About


The combined impacts of population growth, rapid planned and unplanned development, looting and warfare in many parts of the world have placed tremendous pressure on cultural resources and on the government agencies responsible for managing them. Thousands of known historically significant places and archaeological sites are threatened by these forces; untold thousands more await discovery, preservation, and development. It is a daunting task that requires the application of modern methods of data management and retrieval. The task is aptly suited for solutions based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS), database and Web-based technology.

The GAIA Lab specializes in developing and deploying integrated GIS standalone and web-based databases for managing cultural resources and other large-scale spatial datasets. We conduct satellite remote sensing research. We develop web pages for a variety of educational and research purposes. We use the latest web mapping methods, including Google Maps and Google Earth, powered by AJAX, PHP, KML, JavaScript and MySQL.

Founded in 2005
To help empower national, state and local governments and educational institutions in the discovery, documentation and preservation of their archaeological and ... See More
The GAIA Lab has received funding from NASA's Space Archaeology program for our project, "Climate Change and Human Impact on Ancient and Modern Settlements: Ide... See More
-- Sent from my Linux system.

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