Thursday, October 27, 2016

LinkedIn: Zahi Hawass is now Director of field work in the Valley of the Kings and plans to scan KV62 in November, this time with a Russian team

Breaking news: Zahi Hawass is now Director of field work in the Valley of the Kings and plans to scan KV62 in November, this time with a Russian team

Members may recall that back at the time of the Cairo Conference on the Tutankhamun surveys in KV62, after which Minister of Antiquities el-Damaty was removed from post and replaced with somebody much less likely to get in Zahi's way, Dr Hawass stated that scanning doesn't work and finds nothing. But he wasn't in charge back then.

From Tony Hickman, who took the transcript:
Zahi Hawass speaks:
I want to tell you one important thing, as the Director now of the field work in the Valley of the Kings who are using new techniques that takes photographs that can show what’s under the ground, because we are missing the tomb of Thutmoses II, the tomb of Ramesses VIII, most of the queens of dynasty XVIII were buried in the Valley of the Kings. And the coming November we hope that we can locate one tomb and make a big discovery like the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun .

Zahi Hawass was then asked about the idea of hidden rooms in KV62:
We are, we are going to use also inside the tomb of Tutankhamun a NEW radar, it’s a Russian radar, and that Russian radar will make the final word if the tomb of Nefertiti existed inside the tomb of Tutankhamun or not. Because the previous radar that talks about something behind the wall when we did look at it, it did not show anything and therefore soon, in November we are going to use this Radar to find out if evidence of Nefertiti behind the North wall of the tomb or not .

Zahi Hawass was asked if he felt that Nefertiti was in KV 62
I REALLY DO NOT THINK that Nefertiti is buried at all in the tomb of Tutankhamun , for many reasons the first the Priests of Amun would never let someone who worshipped the “Aten” to be buried in the Valley of the Kings. There is nothing inside the tomb of Tutankhamun , this theory is not correct .

The video of the full interview is here:

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