Monday, September 5, 2016

AIA Stanford Soceity Fall 2016 Lecture Schedule

Bring a Friend!

We would love to grow our society, so please consider bringing a friend...or any of our events.  Lectures and tours are free and it's a great way to introduce your friends to the wonders of archaeology!

Join AIA!
Membership in AIA helps support the great lecturers and programs provided by the Stanford society. Though membership is not required for attendance, your membership in AIA will guarantee that we will continue to be able to provide exceptional lectures and events. 

When you join AIA as a Society Member, you'll receive exclusive benefits and discounts.
  • To join or renew, log onto: 
  • Select your desired membership category.
  • Be sure to designate Stanford University as your desired AIA Society affiliation from the "Group" pull-down menu on the application form. 
  • Please allow up to four weeks to process payments.

Donate Directly!

Donations are the lifeblood of our organization. Your generosity can help make possible an educational presentation for a students, a talk for seniors, or a lecture benefitting all of Stanford.

Email to inquire about donation options and benefits.

Dear Glenn,

We are excited to release our Fall series of Lectures and Events for the Stanford Chapter of AIA.  We hope you will be able to join us as we delve into the past...and bring some friends!
AIA National Archaeology Day -
Saturday, October 15

Join us for a fabulous presentation on
"Five Thousand Years of Iranian Engineering"

by Dr. Farzin Rezaeian

Co-sponsored by Stanford's Persian Student Association and Stanford Iranian Studies

Location TBD
Free and open to the public.

The Ark Before NoahAIA Norton Lecture

Dr. Irving Finkel is the Assistant Keeper of Ancient Mesopotamian Script, languages and Cultures for the British Museum.   

When: Friday, November 11, 8:00pm

Free and open to the public.
Reception to follow

Roman Aosta: Monuments and Epigraphy
Professor Carolynn Roncaglia, Santa Clara University, will share her work in Aosta, Italy. 

When: Friday, December 2, 8:00pm

Free and open to the public.  Reception to follow

AIA-Stanford, P.O. Box 20075, Stanford, CA 94309
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