Friday, September 30, 2016 Weekly Digest

Jana                                          Mynarova Jana Mynarova
Charles University, PragueCzech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty Member

Landgráfová, R. - Mynářová, J. (eds.), Rich and Great. Studies in Honour of Anthony J. Spalinger on the Ocassion of his 70th Feast of Thoth (2016)

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Miroslav Barta Miroslav Barta
Charles University, PragueCzech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty Member

Bárta, M. 2016 "Dummy mummification" in the Old Kingdom: a new intact case from the 5th Dynasty , Abusir.

Bárta, M. 2016 "Dummy mummification" in the Old Kingdom: a new intact case from the 5th Dynasty , Abusir. In Rich and Great. Studies in honour of Anthony J. Spalinger on the ocassion of his 70th Feast of Thoth edited by R. Landgráfová and J. Mynářová, pp. 15-17. Czech Institute of Egyptology, Prague. The study deals with the burial of priest Neferinpu from the 24th century B.C., reign of Nyuserra - Djedkara which was found in Abusir South. His burial demonstrates that at this period dummy mummification was not a rare case. The general characteristics of his burial arrangement shows...

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Elizabeth Frood Elizabeth Frood
University of OxfordOriental Studies, Faculty Member

Role-play and group biography in Ramessid stelae from the Serapeum

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Jiri                                          Janak Jiri Janak
Charles University, PragueCzech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty Member

How to make a mummy: A late hieratic guide from Abusir

Jiri Janak - Renata Landgrafova, "How to make a mummy: A late hieratic guide from Abusir", in R. Metcalfe, J. Cockitt and R. David, Palaeopathology in Egypt and Nubia. A century in review (Archaeopress Egyptology 6), Archaeopress 2014, pp. 107-1117. Abstract: In the course of the exploration of the shaft tomb of Menekhibnekau at Abusir, one of the largest preserved embalmer's deposits was discovered in 2003. The deposit contained, besides a few other things, over 300 large amphorae. Twenty of the large amphorae and 30 of the smaller jars bore short inscriptions in late hieratic or demotic...

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Jennifer Hellum Jennifer Hellum
The University of AucklandClassics and Ancient History, Faculty Member

Hellum, The King His Body and His Relatives - fs Spalinger.pdf

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