Monday, September 26, 2016 Weekly Digest

Miroslav Barta Miroslav Barta
Charles University, PragueCzech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty Member

Bárta, M. 2016 "Dummy mummification" in the Old Kingdom: a new intact case from the 5th Dynasty , Abusir.

Bárta, M. 2016 "Dummy mummification" in the Old Kingdom: a new intact case from the 5th Dynasty , Abusir. In Rich and Great. Studies in honour of Anthony J. Spalinger on the ocassion of his 70th Feast of Thoth edited by R. Landgráfová and J. Mynářová, pp. 15-17. Czech Institute of Egyptology, Prague. The study deals with the burial of priest Neferinpu from the 24th century B.C., reign of Nyuserra - Djedkara which was found in Abusir South. His burial demonstrates that at this period dummy mummification was not a rare case. The general characteristics of his burial arrangement shows...

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Elizabeth Frood Elizabeth Frood
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Role-play and group biography in Ramessid stelae from the Serapeum

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Federico Contardi Federico Contardi
Bookmarked by Miroslav Barta

Disasters connected with the rhythm of the Nile in the textual sources

Famines and epidemics (iAdt rnpt) are two of the natural catastrophes connected with the rhythm of the Nile: the former were determined by a low inundation, while the latter were the consequence of excessive stagnation of the waters. With regard to the famines, much has been written; in this paper, I focus on the interpretation of the textual sources of the First Intermediate Period in order to test the thesis of B. Bell (which occasionally still finds acceptance) who considered the end of the Old Kingdom as a consequence of a series of famines determined by climate change. As for the...

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Jennifer Hellum Jennifer Hellum
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Hellum, The King His Body and His Relatives - fs Spalinger.pdf

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Jana                                          Mynarova Jana Mynarova
Bookmarked by Antonio J. Morales

Landgráfová, R. - Mynářová, J., Some Points about Structuring Points: Aspects of the Uses of the Egyptian Verspunkte (2016)

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John                                          Coleman Darnell John Coleman Darnell
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

The Rock Inscriptions of Tjehemau at Abisko

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Antonio Perez Largacha
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

«Relations between Egypt and Mesopotamia at the End of the fourth Millennium»

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John                                          Coleman Darnell John Coleman Darnell
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

The Route of Eleventh Dynasty Expansion into Nubia

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Antonio Perez Largacha
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Some suggestions and hypotheses concerning the Maadi culture and the expansion of Upper Egypt

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Gregory Mumford Gregory Mumford
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

The Sinai Peninsula, a special issue of the Journal for Ancient Egyptian Interconnections, vol. 7.1 (Lexington: the University of Arizona Egyptian Expedition, 2015), Edited by Gregory D Mumford (See JAEI for pdfs of issue contents; details attached)

SUMMARY: The Sinai Peninsula is a vast region, encompassing around 60,000 square kilometers with hundreds, if not thousands of archaeological sites, only a relative small sample of which have been fully explored. The Sinai attracted people in ancient times and continues to do so today, whether as a dwelling place, an area rich in resources, a defensive zone, a refuge, a holy site, or simply as a land through which merchants, armies, emissaries, and others might travel from one region to another. The papers presented here contribute to a greater understanding and appreciation of the rich...

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