Friday, September 23, 2016 Weekly Digest.

Nicolas Grimal Nicolas Grimal
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

M. Francis-Allouche, N. Grimal, "The Maritime Approaches to Ancient Byblos (Lebanon)", JEMASH, 4, 2-3, 2016, p. 242‑277

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Salima Ikram Salima Ikram
American University in CairoSociology, Anthropology, Psychology and Egyptology, Faculty Member

Bologna Catalogue of Leiden Egyptian Antiquities Ikram

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Rita                                          Lucarelli Rita Lucarelli
University of California, BerkeleyNear Eastern Studies, Faculty Member

Congress Poster final-3.pdf

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Anthony Spalinger
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Notes on the Military in Egypt During the XXVth Dynasty

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Ana                                          Tavares Ana Tavares
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Walls, Ways and Stratigraphy: Signs of Social Control in an Urban Footprint at Giza

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Marcelo Campagno Marcelo Campagno
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Coercion, creation, intervention: Three capacities of the early Egyptian state

En: Frood, E. & McDonald, A. (eds.), Decorum and experience: Essays in ancient culture for John Baines. Oxford, University of Oxford, 2013, pp. 214-219.

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Yuval Goren Yuval Goren
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Inscribed in Clay, Provenance Study of the Amarna Tablets and Other Near Eastern Texts

This publication is a synthesis of the results of a study that approaches the problem of locating the provenance of the Amarna Tablets from a new angle. Through mineralogical and chemical analyses of samples from over 300 tablets housed in museums in Berlin, London, Oxford, and Paris, the project aims at pinpointing their geographic origin and clarifying the geographic history of the ancient Near East. It launches a new analytical tool for resolving historical problems that have haunted research for decades. In the case of the Amarna archive, the introduction of this scientific technique...

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Karen Radner Karen Radner
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

2016 Revolts in the Assyrian Empire: succession wars, rebellions against a false king and independence movements. In J. J. Collins & J. G. Manning (eds.), Revolt and Resistance in the Ancient Classical World and the Near East: In the Crucible of Empire (Leiden 2016) 41-54.

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Pierre de Miroschedji Pierre de Miroschedji
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

The Early Bronze Age Fortifications at Tel Yarmuth: an interim statement.

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Ida                                          Oggiano Ida Oggiano
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

The Mediterranean Dimension of Levantine Coast in the first millennium B.C.: Ancient Sea Routes, New Explorations and "Colonial" Foundations, in L. Donnelan, V. Nizzo, G. Burgers (eds.), Contexts of Early Colonization (Papers of the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome 64), pp. 89-103

In the period between the end of the 2nd millennium and the 8th c.BC an extraordinary phenomenon known as 'Phoenician colonization' mature along the coast of the Levant. This paper examines the documentation of the Levantine area following a joint diachronic and, at the same time a 'local' perspective, and adopting an approach informed by postocolonial studies. A picture of complex relashionship which were at the origin of a new and distinctive phenomenon in the history of the Mediterranean emerges: the insertion of the Western Mediterranean region in the economy, politics and culture of...

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