Friday, August 5, 2016

What's New in Papyrology: Barcelona Congress, Day one

What's New in Papyrology

Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS

Monday, August 01, 2016

Barcelona Congress, Day one

Room Hatshepsut: Archaeology
  • 11:00h – 11:30h: Roger Bagnall/Paola Davoli, Papyrology, stratigraphy, and excavation method
  • 11:30h – 12:00h: Ruey-Lin Chang/Jakub Ordutowski, Report of the first survey season at Philadelphia (IFAO, 2015)
  • 12:00h – 12:30h: Paola Boffula Alimeni, Memorie del sottosuolo di Tebtynis a … Roma e a Venezia!
  • 12:30h – 13:00h: AnneMarie Luijendijk, On discarding papyri in Roman and Late Antique Egypt: Theoretical, archaeological, and ancient perspectives
  • 13:00h – 13:30h: Cornelia Römer, The Gods of Karanis
Room Arsinoe: Documentary Papyri. Ptolemaic Egypt
  • 11:00h – 11:30h: Stéphanie Wackenier, Four new documents from the archive of Haryotes (IIIrd BC)
  • 11:30h – 12:00h: Laura Willer, Documents from the Temple – Two re-used papyri
  • 12:00h – 12:30h: David Martinez, P. Texas inv. no. 1: A petition concerning a dispute over land boundaries
  • 12:30h – 13:00h: Carla Balconi, Due “ordini di comparizione” di età tolemaica nella collezione dell’Università Cattolica di Milano
  • 13:00h – 13:30h: Caroline Cheung, A rare and early double document of a vineyard lease (P.Tebt.0137)
Room Berenice: Literary Papyri
  • 11:00h – 11:30h: Gertjan Verhasselt, The lives of Sappho and Simonides in a biographical compendium (P.Oxy. 1800)
  • 11:30h – 12:00h: Marco Perale, A new Simonides papyrus?
  • 12:00h – 12:30h: Jeffrey Fish, On the reconstruction of new Sappho fragments: fiber matchings in P.GC. inv. 105
  • 12:30h – 13:00h: Enrico Emanuele Prodi, The offsets in P.Oxy. XV 1790
  • 13:00h – 13:30h: Giovanna Menci, Organizzazione dello spazio negli scholia minora a Omero: a proposito di una ‘mise en page’ immaginaria e di fantomatici titoletti in P.Dura 3
Room Cleopatra: Paraliterary Papyri. Medicine
  • 11:00h – 11:30h: Douaa Aly Elalfy, Practice of surgery in Greco-Roman Egypt
  • 11:30h – 12:00h: Anna Monte, Sharpen the sight without glasses: the κολλύρια ὀξυδορκικά in the papyrological and medical sources
  • 12:00h – 12:30h: Yousry Deyab, The impact of religion on healing practices in Egypt during the Roman rule
  • 12:30h – 13:00h: Kevin Funderburk, Monastic medicine: UPENN E16238, account of wine and unguents
  • 13:00h – 13:30h: Isabella Bonati, Medicalia Online: an electronic dictionary of technical terms in medical papyri
Room Theodora: Juristic Papyrology
  • 11:00h – 11:30h: Eva Jakab, Conflict of laws? Legal Pluralism in the Roman Empire
  • 11:30h – 12:00h: José Luis Alonso, The Constitutio Antoniniana and the private legal practice in the Eastern Empire, 125 years after Mitteis’ “Reichsrecht”
  • 12:00h – 12:30h: Serena Ammirati, A new look at ancient and late-antique Latin juristic texts and their transmission: the ERC project REDHIS
  • 12:30h – 13:00h: Timothy M. Teeter, An unpublished Latin legal text
  • 13:00h – 13:30h: Maria Nowak/Agnieszka Kacprzak: Legal and social status of extramarital children in the Roman Empire before Constantine the Great
13:30h – 15:00h Lunch
 15:00h – 17:00h 
 Room Hatshepsut: Archaeology
  • 15:00h – 15:30h: Mario Capasso, L’enigma della provenienza dei codici Freer e degli altri 12 testi cristiani di Vienna alla luce dei nuovi scavi a Soknopaiou Nesos/Dime
  • 15:30h – 16:00h: Todd Hickey, Petrie at Oxyrhynchus: the papyri
  • 16:00h – 16:30h: Laure Brossin-Pillot, « EXP » Étude archéologique d’une tabula cerata du Musée départemental Arles Antique (France)
  • 16:30h – 17:00h: Jitse H.F. Dijkstra, Visitors to the Temple of Khnum at Elephantine: Who were they?
Room Arsinoe: Documentary Papyrology: Ptolemaic Egypt
  • 15:00h – 15:30h: Deborah Vignot-Kott, Demotic accounts and land-registers from the Sorbonne collection (Sorb. inv 228 a-c)
  • 15:30h – 16:00h: Eleni Skarsouli, Ein ptolemäisches Archiv aus Oxyrhyncha
  • 16:00h – 16:30h: Magdy Aly, Deed of service assignment
  • 16:30h – 17:00h: Valérie Wyns, Happiness and state in Ptolemaic Egypt
Room Berenice: Literary Papyri
  • 15:00h – 15:30h: Massimo Magnani, The ancient manuscript tradition of the Euripidean hypotheses
  • 15:30h – 16:00h: Maroula Salemenou, Papyri and the documents in Demosthenes’ De Corona
  • 16:00h – 16:30h: Valeria Tezzon, “A mystic cook”. Some considerations about P.Duke 1984.7
  • 16:30h – 17:00h: Davide Amendola, Verso una nuova edizione di P.Berol. inv. 13045 (BKT VII 13-31)
Room Cleopatra: Paraliterary Papryi. Astronomy and Astrology
  • 15:00h – 15:30h: Marina Escolano-Poveda, Tracking the wandering ones: a Demotic planetary table from Montserrat (P. Monts.Roca inv. 314)
  • 15:30h – 16:00h: Irene Pajón Leyra, Astronomical geography on papyrus
  • 16:00h – 16:30h: Andreas Winkler, Some astronomers and their astrology in Graeco-Roman Egypt
  • 16:30h – 17:00h: Johannes Thomann, From katarchai to ikhtiyārāt: Documentary evidence of electional astrology in Greek and Arabic
Room Theodora: Juristic Papyrology
  • 15:00h – 15:30h: Manex Ralla Arregi, Legal representation of the monasteries: a regulatory and papyrological approach
  • 15:30h – 16:00h: Małgorzata SołekOrigo castris and the local recruitment policy of the Roman army
  • 16:00h – 16:30h: Micaela Langellotti, Slavery, social attitudes, and the impact of Roman rule
  • 16:30h – 17:00h: Peter van MinnenEpikrisis Documents from the Theognostos Archive
17:00h – 17:30h Coffee Break
17:30h – 19:00h 
 Room Hatshepsut: PANEL: Inside out: An introspective look at papyrology through its international congresses
  • 17:30h – 18:00h: Rachel Mairs, Who? Gender and ethnicity at the ICP
  • 18:00h – 18:30h: Katherine Blouin, What? Topics and linguistic trends at the ICP
  • 18:30h – 19:00h: Usama Gad, Where? Mapping the ICP
Room Arsinoe: Documentary Papyri. Ptolemaic Egypt
  • 17:30h – 18:00h: Thomas Backhuys, Zum ptolemäischen Monopolwesen: Die ὀθόνιον-Produktion im frühen 3. Jahrhundert v.Chr.
  • 18:00h – 18:30h: Christopher Cornthwaite, Shippers, buyers, or guarantors: The egdocheis revisited
  • 18:30h – 19:00h: François Gerardin, The foundation of cities in Egypt in the 2nd century B.C.
Room Berenice: Literary Papyri
  • 17:30h – 18:00h: Giuseppe Ucciardello, P.Lille 71+126: hexameters on Herakles?
  • 18:00h – 18:30h: Benjamin Henry, New hexameters from Oxyrhynchus
  • 18:30h – 19:00h: Livia Capponi, Chaeremon of Alexandria and the Apotheosis of Poppaea (P.Oxy. 77.5105)
Room Cleopatra: Paraliterary Papyri. Mathematics
  • 17:30h – 18:00h: Giuseppina Azzarello, Arithmetic tables from Graeco-Roman Egypt
  • 18:00h – 18:30h: Federico Morelli, “Più che ’l doppiar de li scacchi s’immilla” (Dante, Paradiso XXVIII 93). Un singolare papiro matematico della collezione vienense
Room Theodora: Juristic Papyrology
  • 17:30h – 18:00h: Elizabeth Buchanan, Rural collective action in Late Antique Egypt (400-630 CE)
  • 18:00h – 18:30h: Jens Mangerud, Who was the wife of Pompeius Niger?

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