Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Sisi meets with antiquities minister for briefing on progress | Egypt Independent

Sisi meets with antiquities minister for briefing on progress

Mon, 15/08/2016 - 12:14

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi met with Antiquities Minister Khaled al-Anany on Sunday to review various developments in the antiquities field, including renovation work, international co-operation efforts and the battle against the smuggling of artifacts.

“The minister reviewed efforts [by the ministry] to conclude the opening of several museums, including the Museum of Islamic Art, which has been undergoing renovation after being targeted by terrorists in January 2014,” said Alaa Youssef, presidential spokesperson.

Anany also reviewed renovation work at Mallawi museum in Minya, which was also targeted by terrorists, said Yousseff. He updated Sisi on construction work at the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization, in Fustat district, and the Grand Egyptian Museum, as well as developments at the Giza Pyramids site.

The meeting also tackled the maintenance of archaeological sites, with the minister proposing the opening of several more sites to attract tourists. Sisi lent his support to maintainance and renovation efforts at archaeological sites across the nation and encouraged more follow-up work on development projects.

On the international front, the minister updated Sisi on several memorandums of understanding that are being signed with museums abroad to boost the exchange of expertise in the antiquities field.

In addition, Sisi was updated on efforts to halt the smuggling of artifacts, with several recent successes resulting from co-operation with foreign governments and institutions.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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