Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Fwd: Re: Sony camera

Another thing to break down.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Sony camera
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2016 14:05:50 -0700
From: Glenn Meyer <Glenn.R.Meyer@nasa.gov>
To: Foyle, David C. (ARC-TH) <david.foyle@nasa.gov>
CC: Bakowski, Debi (ARC-TH)[SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION INC] <debi.bakowski@nasa.gov>, Hooey, Becky L. (ARC-TH)[SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION INC] <becky.l.hooey@nasa.gov>, Spence, Brian D. (ARC-TH)[PEROT SYSTEMS] <brian.d.spence@nasa.gov>

I tested the camera with the epiphan on OTW display #3. Not only did the epiphan work, but the Viewsonic monitor attached the the encoder displayed the camera image. So there's at least one model of monitor in the lab that works with the camera. Plus, the epiphan passes the image on to the monitor without difficulty.

FYI, I have put the camera in the righthand bookshelf in 141A, 3rd shelf from the top.


On 08/16/16 10:53, Foyle, David C. (ARC-TH) wrote:
Thanks for tracking this down...

So.... I don't think we know yet if it works with the Epiphan, right?  Can you test that too please?  If that doesn't work, we're dead.


David C. Foyle, PhD        NASA Ames Research Center  (MS 262-4)
office: (650) 604-3053     Human Systems Integration Division, Code TH
David.C.Foyle@nasa.gov     Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000

From: Glenn Meyer <Glenn.R.Meyer@nasa.gov>
Date: Tuesday, August 16, 2016 at 10:49 AM
To: Becky Hooey <Becky.L.Hooey@nasa.gov>, "Foyle, David C. (ARC-TH)" <david.foyle@nasa.gov>, "Bakowski, Debi (ARC-TH)[PEROT SYSTEMS]" <debi.bakowski@nasa.gov>
Subject: Sony camera

I just finished three calls with Sony tech support about why the camera doesn't work with our HP monitors. On the third call, the tech indicated that the problem might be the fact that the camera can only put out an interlaced signal, meaning the that output is only 30hz, not really 60 hz. He could be right, since the monitor's specs don't say anything about 1920x1080@30Hz, only 1920x1080@60Hz. But I tried 1920x1080@30Hz (actually 29.97 hz), and that didn't work either. The only other variable to investigate, as far as I know, is the pixel clock rate, but that should be within the acceptable range for the monitor, which is less than 165 Mhz, way more than enough to support 1920x1080@30hz. Finally, he pointed out that the monitor might not like the actual refresh rate, which is 59.94 interlaced,  not 60hz interlaced, but I doubt that's the problem.

So I suggest that we buy a monitor that supports 1920x1080@30 Hz, if we're going to use this camera. Note that the specs aren't always a fool-proof guide. For instance, although the camera works with the Viewsonic VP2230wp display, the supported resolutions for the display do NOT include 1920x1080@30hz.

--   -  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  Glenn Meyer                         NASA Ames Research Center  office: (650)604-1491               Dell Services Federal Government  fax:    (650)604-3729               Mail Stop 262-4 (Bldg N262, Room 168)  glenn.r.meyer@nasa.gov              Moffett Field, CA 94035  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  

--   -  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  Glenn Meyer                         NASA Ames Research Center  office: (650)604-1491               Dell Services Federal Government  fax:    (650)604-3729               Mail Stop 262-4 (Bldg N262, Room 168)  glenn.r.meyer@nasa.gov              Moffett Field, CA 94035  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  

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