Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Ancient Egypt archaeologists host program in Stillwater on Aug. 14 | New Richmond News


Ancient Egypt archaeologists host program in Stillwater on Aug. 14


Join Dr. Maria Nilsson and John R. Ward, archaeologists and founders of the “Friends of Silsila," as well as and hosts of “Egypt’s Treasure Guardians” on National Geographic, at the Warden’s House Museum Sunday, Aug. 14, 2 p.m.,  for a free discussion about an extraordinarily important ancient Egyptian site, the sandstone pits at Gabel el-Silsila.

Many of the most famous and powerful pharaohs ordered the construction of ancient Egypt’s most well-known temples, such as Luxor and Karnak, from the sandstone harvested at Silsila.

Dr. Nillson and Ward have spent years heading the first ever-comprehensive archaeological survey of the site. Their team’s latest discovery is pinpointing the location of a previously lost 3,400-year-old, 18th dynasty necropolis.

The Warden’s House Museum is located at 602 Main Street N., Stillwater, Minn.

For more information about this event or to schedule a tour of the museum, email Sean Pallas at spallas.wchs@gmail.com or call 651-439-5956.

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