Wednesday, July 13, 2016 Weekly Digest

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Deborah Sweeney Deborah Sweeney
Tel Aviv UniversityArchaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures, Faculty Member
This is a brief biographical sketch of Professor Sarah Israelit-Groll, our mutual doctoral supervisor, which I wrote with Prof. Orly Goldwasser for Lingua Aegyptia 9, Structuring Egyptian Syntax, which Orly initiated as a Festschrift for Sarah Groll.
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Jacco Dieleman Jacco Dieleman
Bookmarked by Kasia Szpakowska
This article traces the long history of textual amulets in ancient Egypt. Their origin and subsequent developments are reconstructed through a study of the materials used for their production and a close reading of the instructions contained in formularies for fashioning such amulets. A typology for textual amulets made of papyrus, which is based on physical and formal characteristics of the preserved artifacts, is presented.
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Gideon Hartman
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris
Isotope data from a sacrificial ass and several ovicaprines (sheep/goat) from Early Bronze Age household deposits at Tell es-Safi/Gath, Israel provide direct evidence for the movement of domestic draught/draft and husbandry animals between Old Kingdom Egypt (during the time of the Pyramids) and Early Bronze Age III Canaan (ca. 2900–2500 BCE). Vacillat-ing, bi-directional connections between Egypt and Canaan are known throughout the Early Bronze Age, but here we provide the first concrete evidence of early trade in animals from Egypt to Canaan.
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Nicola Harrington Nicola Harrington
Bookmarked by Campbell Price
A discussion of the 20th Dynasty akh iqer (ancestor) stela of Thutmose in the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, which bears an ink inscription on the reverse. The inscription, in cursive hieroglyphs, is a copy of the text on the front, suggesting that the object was partly executed when the commission was taken. A brief overview of trade and mass production is presented, along a discussion of with the stela's function.
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Gemma Tully Gemma Tully
Bookmarked by Campbell Price
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david browman
Washington University in St. LouisAnthropology, Faculty Member
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Ciro                                          Parodo Ciro Parodo
Università degli Studi di CagliariDipartimento di storia, beni culturali e territorio, Post-Doc
The Mamuralia were celebrated in March to commemorate the expulsion of Mamurius Veturius, the blacksmith who made, on the recommendation of Numa, the eleven copies of ancile sent by Jupiter as divine guarantee of the Roman rule. The aim of this paper is to investigate the issues of this festivity to verify, by comparison with similar examples of the Graeco-Roman world, the possible function of Mamuralia as a scapegoat ritual and its contextualization into the Augustus's restoration of religion.
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Marc                                          Mayer i Olivé Marc Mayer i Olivé
University of BarcelonaDepartament de Filologia Llatina, Faculty Member
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Alicia Camara Alicia Camara
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia . SpainHistoria del Arte, Faculty Member
From the time of the Renaissance when engineers began to be spoken of until the specialization of the branches of engineering which took place in the 18th century, history has told us a lot about the uses these professionals made of drawing. Some fragments of this history are related in these pages, which are the result of a research project that seemed to be necessary because drawing was involved in all the studies carried out on the history of engineering in the Modern Age. Research had to turn its spotlight on these images, which is why we assembled an interdisciplinary team to develop...
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Tate                                          Paulette Tate Paulette
Brown UniversityJoukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World, Post-Doc
In this chapter, I draw particular attention to grain storage and its pivotal role in the rhetoric and the logistics of state making in Mesopotamia. Grain storage facilities were positioned—both physically and symbolically—at the very heart of the redistributive economy and at the very heart of the state apparatus in Mesopotamia. Grain storage, therefore, offers a unique vantage point from which to examine not only the nature of state power but also the process of state making. The earliest Mesopotamian states did not simply appear, fully formed and destined for total domination. They were...
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