Wednesday, July 6, 2016 Weekly Digest

Salima Ikram Salima Ikram
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

2013. "Evidence of Desert Routes Across Northern Kharga (Egypt's Western Desert)." In F. Forster and H. Reimer (eds.) Desert Road Archaeology in Ancient Egypt and Beyond. Africa Prehistorica 26. Cologne: Heinrich-Barth-Institut, 265-282. (with C. Rossi).

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Jacco Dieleman Jacco Dieleman
Bookmarked by Kasia Szpakowska

The Materiality of Textual Amulets in Ancient Egypt

This article traces the long history of textual amulets in ancient Egypt. Their origin and subsequent developments are reconstructed through a study of the materials used for their production and a close reading of the instructions contained in formularies for fashioning such amulets. A typology for textual amulets made of papyrus, which is based on physical and formal characteristics of the preserved artifacts, is presented.

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Vera                                          Vasiljevic Vera Vasiljevic
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Exclusion or importance: Some reflections on the women absent from the tomb decoration of the Old Kingdom elite tombs

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Itzick Shai Itzick Shai
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Shai, I., Ilan, D., Maeir, A.M. and Uziel, J. The Iron Age Remains at Tel Nagila

The paper presents the preliminary results of the analysis of the Iron Age finds from Tel Nagila. The excavations, which took place in the early 1960s under the direction of R. Amiran and A. Eitan, revealed three Iron Age strata. Through the lens of these finds, we reflect on Tel Nagila as an Iron Age settlement on the border between Judah and Philistia, on the ethnic and political affiliations of its population, and how these affiliations may have changed over time

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Jeff                                          Emanuel Jeff Emanuel
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

'Dagon Our God': Iron I Philistine Cult in Text and Archaeology

Despite the late date and dubious veracity of the Deuteronomistic history, and despite the Bible's status as the only Bronze or Iron Age text which indisputably refers to Dagon in a southern Canaanite geographical context, scholars have traditionally accepted 1 Samuel 5:1–8's portrayal of Philistine cult in the Iron Age I as being centered on this deity and his temple at Ashdod. This study marshals archaeological and historical evidence to assess the level of support for the presence of Dagon in Iron I Philistia, and for a temple at Ashdod as described in the biblical account. Also...

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Meghan Strong Meghan Strong
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Living in the Shadow of the Beautiful West: Contested Space in Sheikh Abd al-Qurna

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Marc                                          Orriols-Llonch Marc Orriols-Llonch
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Orriols-Llonch, M., Sex and Cosmogony. The Onanism of the Solar Demiurg, Göttinger Miszellen 233, Göttingen, 2012, pp. 31-42

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Martin Andreas Stadler Martin Andreas Stadler
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Egyptian Funerary Religion. The Final Phase of a Time-Honoured Tradition

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Laurent Bricault Laurent Bricault
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Osiris on coins

Synthesis on the presence of the egyptian god Osiris on greek and roman coins, from L. Bricault (dir.), Sylloge Nummorum Religionis Isiacae et Sarapiacae (SNRIS), Mémoires de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, tome XXXVIII, Paris 2008, p. 34-36.

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Tamás Dezső
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

The Assyrian Army II: Recruitment and Logistics

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