Thursday, June 23, 2016

What's New in Papyrology: CONFERENCE in Kristiansand, NOR, "The Lying Pen of Scribes"

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

CONFERENCE in Kristiansand, NOR, "The Lying Pen of Scribes"


"The Lying Pen of Scribes" (Jer. 8.8)
13 april - 15 april
kl 12:00 - 13:00
Room A7-001 (Wednesday) / Room E2-009 (Thursday & Friday), Campus Kristiansand
Manuscript Forgeries and Counterfeiting Scripture in the Twenty-First Century
 Wednesday (Room A7-001)
12.00–12.15 Coffee and tea
12.15–12.30 Årstein Justnes (University of Agder), Introduction and Welcome
Session I
Chair: Torleif Elgvin, NLA University College
12.30–13.30 Malcolm Choat (Macquarie University), "Forging Antiquity: An overview of the Project"
13.30–14.30 Lunch
14.30–15.30 Alison Schofield (University of Denver), “The Shapira Affair: Were Lost Dead Sea Scrolls Discovered in 1883?”
15.30–16.30 Liv Ingeborg Lied (MF Norwegian School of Theology), “Studying Fakes Without Faking It: Some Fresh Theoretical Perspectives”
16.30– Coffee and tea
19.00– Dinner
Thursday (Room E2-009)
Session II
Chair: Liv Ingeborg Lied, MF Norwegian School of Theology
09.15–9.45 Kipp Davis (Trinity Western University), “The Lying Pen of Scribes: A New Research Project”
9.45–10.30 Torleif Elgvin (NLA University College), “‘Nobody Knows the Troubles I’ve Seen’: About Access to Dead Sea Scroll Fragments in Private and Public Collections”
10.30–11.00 Coffee break
11.00–11.45 Årstein Justnes and Line Reichelt Føreland (University of Agder), “How to Construct Provenance: Three Example”
Session III
Chair: Kipp Davis, Trinity Western University
12.00–13.00 Malcolm Choat (Macquarie University), “From Constantine Simonides to the Gospel of Jesus' Wife: the Authentication of Papyri and Development of Palaeography”
13.00–14.00 Lunch
14.00–14.45 Tommy Wasserman (Örebro School of Theology and Ansgar School of Theology), “Simonides Forgeries of New Testament Manuscripts in the Mayer Collection”
14.45–15.30 Tor Vegge (University of Agder), ”Fictional Author and Authenticity in New Testament Letters”
15.30–16.15 Beat Art on Campus, a Tour (Frida Forsgren, University of Agder)
16.15– Coffee and tea
19.00– Dinner
Friday (Room E2-009)
Session IV
Chair: Morten Klepp Beckmann, University of Agder
9.15–10.00 Amanda Davis Bledsoe (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), “The Gabriel Vision: ‘A Dead Sea Scroll on Stone’ or a Modern Forgery?”
10.00–11.00 Kipp Davis (Trinity Western University), “Working with Judaean Desert Manuscript Fragments on a Digital Platform”
11.00–11.30 Coffee break
11.30–12.00 Kipp Davis and Årstein Justnes, Summary
12.15– Lunch
Other participants:
·       Sony George, NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology
·       Hugo Lundhaug, University of Oslo
·       Hallvard Hagelia, ansgar School of Theology

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