Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Academia.edu Weekly Digest


Raymond Van Leeuwen Raymond Van Leeuwen
Eastern UniversityBiblical Studies, Emeritus

Review In "The Jewish Quarterly Review, XC (2000) 505-509; of Johann Cook, The Septuagint of Proverbs--Jewish and/or Hellenistic Proverbs? Concerning the Hellenistic Coloring of LXX Proverbs. SVT 69 (Leiden, New York, and Cologne: E.J. Brill, 1997) Pp. xxi + 391.

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Blanca Amor Blanca Amor
Bookmarked by Luigi Tripani

The sites of Seth

A study of different places concerning the god Seth

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Blanca Amor Blanca Amor
Bookmarked by Luigi Tripani

Seth en la religión egipcia

Un estudio bajo el punto de vista histórico, funerario y mítico

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Christopher Rollston Christopher Rollston
The George Washington UniversityDepartment of Classical and Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Faculty Member

Gender-Based Violence in the Bible, Part I: Jacob's Daughter Dinah (Huffington Post article, April 6, 2016)

This article focuses on gender-based violence in the narratives of Genesis about Dinah.

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Yigal Levin Yigal Levin
Bar-Ilan UniversityJewish History, Faculty Member

The Status of Gath in Micah's Lament for the Cities of Judah (in Hebrew)

This paper, presented in honor of Professor S. Vargon, deals with the inclusion of Gath in Micah's lament for the destroyed towns of Judah in 1:10, in a way that seems to evoke David's lament for Saul and Jonathan in 2 Sam. 1:20. The paper deals with the literary composition of the oracle and assumes that it was composed in connection with Sennacherib's invasion of Judah in 701 B.C.E. The eleven towns listed along with Jerusalem in verses 10-15, all seem to be in the Shephelah of Judah, which makes the inclusion of Gath, presumably the well-known Philistine city, surprising. After surveying...

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Shalom E. Holtz Shalom E. Holtz
Yeshiva UniversityBible and Semitics, Faculty Member

Review of Menahem Haran, The Biblical Collection: Its Consolidation to the End of the Second Temple Times and Changes of Form to the End of the Middle Ages (Part 4; Jerusalem, 2014)

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Jaco                                          Gericke Jaco Gericke
North-West UniversityHumanities (Vaal Triangle Campus), Faculty Member

Philosophical Criticism of the Hebrew Bible and the Analytic-Continental Divide

This article takes a closer look at how the so-called Analytic-Continental divide within meta-philosophy has manifested itself within various forms of " philosophical criticism " of the HB. It is argued that, based on data collected from recent related conferences, there is evidence of influence from both sides of the divide within both broad/narrow and expli-cit/implicit types of philosophical criticism. However, in contrast to tense relations elsewhere in generic philosophy, the interdisciplinary intersection of biblical scholarship, philosophy of religion and Jewish philosophy appears to...

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David Bosworth David Bosworth
The Catholic University of AmericaSchool of Theology and Religious Studies, Faculty Member

Weeping in Recognition Scenes in Genesis and the Odyssey

Scenes involving weeping in biblical and Homeric literature can be corre­lated with each other and with modem scientific studies of weeping. Seen through the lens of attachment theory, weeping expresses a need for relationship and caregiving arising from pain or sorrow. But so-called tears of joy shed at moments of emotional reunion appear at first not to fit with this understanding. On closer examination, however, moments o f reunion involve emotional memories of loss, grief, and help­lessness. Consequently, tears shed at reunions appear consistent with an attachment-theoretical...

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Matthew Lynch Matthew Lynch
Westminster Theological CentreBiblical Studies, Faculty Member

The Davidic Covenant and Institutional Integration in Chronicles

Pages 169-188 in 'Covenant and Election in Exilic and Post-Exilic Judaism,' Studies of the Sofja Kovalevskaja Research Group on Early Jewish Monotheism, Vol. V; Forschungen zum Alten Testament 2; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015.

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Dan                                          Pioske Dan Pioske
Georgia Southern UniversityLiterature and Philosophy, Faculty Member

Prose Writing in an Age of Orality: A Study of 2 Sam 5:6-9. VT 66.2 (2016): 261-79.

The brief, cryptic account of Jerusalem's takeover by David in 2 Sam 5:6-9 has elicited a considerable number of historical investigations into what events may have transpired according to this story. But what has received less historical attention is the scribal cul- ture responsible for this text's composition. With this concern in mind, the aim of this study is to approach 2 Sam 5:6-9 as a scribal artifact in an effort to examine how this text took form and what cultural expectations guided its production. What comes to light through this manner of inquiry, I contend, is a text deeply...

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