Tuesday, May 31, 2016

South Asasif Conservation Project


We are happy to announce that the program for the Thebes in the First Millennium BC conference is now available at the following link:


The list of abstracts for the conference will follow in due course. In the meantime, registration for the conference is now open and the registration form can be found here:


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at conference@southasasif.com

All the best,
Elena Pischikova (Director of the SACP)
Julia Budka (SACP)
Kenneth Griffin (SACP)
John Billman (SACP)
Shaaban Abd el-Gawad (MoA)
Nashwa Gaber (MoA)
Mohamed Mokhtar (MoA)
Essam Nagy (EES)

------------------------------------------ Conference program converted to html ------------------------------------------

Thebes in the First Millennium BC

Mummification Museum, Luxor

25–29 September 2016


Organised by the South Asasif Conservation Project, in collaboration with the Ministry of Antiquities and the Egypt Exploration Society

Day 1: Sunday 25 September

08:00 – Registration opens (Mummification Museum)

09:00 – Welcome address by the Minister of Antiquities Dr. Khaled El-Enany and the SACP team


Elena Pischikova – South Asasif Conservation Project 2006–2016: Past, Present and Future.

Ahmed Ali Hussein, Afaf Fathalla, Abdelrazik Mohammed Ali, and MoA Conservation Team – Conservation and Reconstruction of the Tombs of the South Asasif Necropolis.

10:45 – Break


Erhart Graefe – Work in Progress: The Reconstruction of the Text of the Ritual of the Hours of Day in the First Hypostyle Hall of TT 223.

Kenneth Griffin – The Ritual of the Hours of the Night in the Tomb of Karakhamun.

Miguel Ángel Molinero-Polo & Andrea Rodríguez Valls – Write like an Egyptian! Palaeographical Peculiarities in the Burial Chamber of Karakhamun.

Erhart Graefe – A New High Steward of the God’s Votaress Nitokris: Padibastet, Grandson of Pabasa and Successor of Padihorresnet.

13:15 – Lunch


Dieter Eigner – Some Remarks on the Architecture of the Lichthof in TT 223, Karakhamun.

Julia Budka – Kushite Pottery in Egypt: An Update from Thebes and Abydos.

Salima Ikram – TBA.

Matthias Müller – Village or Monastery?: Preliminary Results of the Work on the Coptic Texts Found by the South Asasif Conservation Project.

16:15 – Break


Dietrich Wildung – “African” Aspects of Egyptian Art, from Prehistory to the Late Period.

Sylvia Schoske – Stylistic Aspects of Twenty-fifth Dynasty Sculpture and Relief, with Particular Reference to the Background of the Artists: Egyptian or Kushite.

17:45 – End of day summing up

18:00 – Close

Day 2: Monday 26 September

06:00: Site visit – Morning visit to the South Asasif Necropolis.

*Timetable of events to be announced in Luxor, with time slots for visits.*

Lunch: 12:00–1:00: Venue TBA.

13:30 – Welcome Address by Dr. Mohamed Abd el-Maksoud.


Mohamed Abd el-Maksoud – Tell Heboua Tjarw: The Eastern Gate of Egypt.

Penelope Wilson – Sais and Thebes: A View from the North.

Ramadan B. Hussein – The Saqqara Saite Tombs Project.

Angelika Lohwasser, Meike Becker & Anke Blöbaum – Relationship between Religion and Politics in the First Millennium BC Thebes (with a case study on the original location of the Triumphal Stela of king Piye).

15.45 – Break


Cynthia May Sheikholeslami – Montu Priests in Third Intermediate Period Thebes.

Karl Jansen-Winkeln – The Title smA(tj) WAst and the Prophets of Montu at Thebes.

Andreas Effland – “... a work of the ancestors ...”: Amenirdis I and the Kushite Excavations at Umm el-Qaab (Abydos).

18:15 – Close

Day 3: Tuesday 27 September

09:00 – Welcome Address by Dr. Mamdouh Eldamaty and Dr. Mohamed Abd el-Aziz.

Miguel Ángel Molinero-Polo – TT 209. Different Proprietor and Chronology, New Architectural Elements.

Andrzej Ćwiek & Marta Kaczanowicz – Late Period Burials at the Rear of the South Asasif Necropolis.

10:45 – Break


Claude Traunecker – Osirian Pilgrimages and Theban Liturgies in the Funerary Palace of the “Saint of Thebes” Padiamenope (TT 33).

Silvia Einaudi – Aspects of Tradition and Innovation in the Decorative Program of the Tomb of Padiamenope (TT 33).

Isabelle Régen – The Book of Nut in the Late Period Tombs of the Asasif Necropolis.

Meg Gundlach – Artisanship and Typology in Late Period Theban Stone Shabtis: A Case Study of the Chief Lector Priest Pedamenope.

13:15 Lunch.


Mariam Ayad – The Opening of the Mouth Ritual in the Tomb of Harwa (TT 37): Selection, Layout, and Sequence.

Louise Gestermann & Farouk Gomaà – Remarks on the Decoration and Conception of the Theban tomb of Montuemhat (TT 34).

Mamdouh Eldamaty – The Equality and Presence of Nitocris and Psamtik I in the Tomb of Pabasa (TT 279).

Julia Budka – The Tomb of Ankh-Hor (TT 414): An Update of its Use-life.

16:15 – Break


Gabor Schreiber – The Kushite/Saite Phase of TT -400-.

Shaaban Abd el-Gawad – The Crown of Justification until the End of Graeco-Roman Period.

Eltayeb Abbas – Reading Ritual Images on the Twenty-first Dynasty Coffins.

18:15 – Close

Day 4: Wednesday 28 September

06:00: Site visit – Visit to the North Asasif Necropolis.

*Timetable of events to be announced in Luxor, with time slots for visits.*

Day 5: Thursday 29 September

08:00 – Site visit: Karnak

12:00 – Lunch

13:00 – Welcome Address by Christophe Thiers Overview of Karnak Projects


Jérémy Hourdin – The Kushite Kiosks of Karnak and Luxor: A Cross-over Study.

Laurent Coulon, Aleksandra Hallmann & Frédéric Payraudeau – The Osirian Chapels at Karnak: Recent Epigraphic Work and Historical and Art Historical Studies.

Essam Nagy – The Kushites in Karnak: The Chapel of Osiris Ptah Neb ankh.

15:00 – Break


Stéphanie Boulet – Ceramic Industry Developments in the Theban Area during the Twenty-fifth Dynasty:

Between Traditions and Innovations.

Catherine Defernez – A Few Testimonies of the Persian Period in Karnak: New Evidence from the Material of a Large Mudbrick Building.

17:00 – Closing remarks for the conference.

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