Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Fwd: [EEF] job opening: 1 year Instructor in history of ancient Egypt and Near East or Greece

--------Forwarded Message-----

From: Julia Troche <julia_troche@alumni.brown.edu>

The History Department at Missouri State University is searching
for a ¾ full time instructor in the history of the Ancient
Mediterranean/Near East including Egypt. The candidate will
teach two sections of the first half of the world history survey
in fall and spring and an upper level course in Egypt in the
fall and an upper level course in either Ancient Greece or the
Ancient Near East in the spring. Minimum qualifications are
ABD in history or a related field. First date of consideration
is June 3 but position will remain open until filled. Candidates
should send a cover letter, vita and sample syllabus for world
history survey and upper level course in one of the areas mentioned
above. Missouri State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative
action/minority/female/veterans/disability/sexual orientation/gender
identity employer and institution. We encourage applications from
all interested minorities, females, veterans, individuals with
disabilities, and sexual orientation/gender identity. All
applicants must fill out an online application at:

<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__jobs.missouristate.edu_postings_27039&d=AwIDaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=opcsBFeNOGibikhitrWp_vvUpAwW-hA4UeIW8Ekh45I&m=xkKRjN5WruWaeHvZISQ2eGfbdxQgl74q59zRQiImzB0&s=fYbQ-100OZ3wpf9OGlQgWUUyDpD4ZU7cCCZynfK0Jq4&e= >

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