Wednesday, May 25, 2016

[EEF] EES Conference: CBAE 2016

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [EEF] EES Conference: CBAE 2016
Date: Tue, 24 May 2016 11:43:30 +0200
From: A.K. Eyma

-------Forwarded Message--------

From: Carl Graves <>

Current British Archaeology in Egypt
9th-10th July 2016

Join us for two days of presentations, networking and discussions
to discover first-hand the impact of British archaeology and
crowd-funding in Egypt today.

This conference showcases the projects supported by the Egypt
Exploration Society during 2014-15 by bringing together field
directors and representatives for over 20 projects to present
their work. As well as a full programme of lectures, a series
of posters representing the 2015-16 supported projects will
also be exhibited.

Work will be presented from across the Delta, including the
work of the Delta Survey, excavations at Tell Mutubis and
Naukratis; new discoveries and archaeological techniques at
Amarna; changes in landscapes around Thebes and recording of
tombs at Dra Abu el-Naga; all the way to new surveys of sites
around Aswan's Qubbet el-Hawa. Almost every period of Egypt's
Pharaonic past will feature, as well as a geographic spread
of the entire Nile Valley - there is something for everyone!

For more details, a full schedule, and tickets please visit
the Society's website at:

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