Tuesday, May 31, 2016

(99) Ministry of Antiquities: Three tombs.


The Tomb of Nefer-Seshem-Ptah

Nefer-Seshem-Ptah was the overseer of the great court. His tomb is relatively small but still keeps its beautiful scenes that represent everyday life. The false door of the tomb is distinguished and unique it has never been shown before in any of the Memphis tombs.

The Tomb of Nemty-Umes (Netjerwymes)

The tomb was discovered in 1996 by the French expedition lead by A. Zivie (cliffs underneath the Bubasteion in Saqara). Conservation works lasted since its discovery to 2003.
The tomb dates back to the reign of king "Ramses II" from the 19th Dynasty (New Kingdom). Its owner served under Ramses the Great as a peace envoy between the Egyptian Empire and the Hittites.

This is the first official opening of the tomb since the completion of the restoration and excavation works that included the consolidation of the mural inscriptions, color fixing and erecting a shelter over the front courtyard to protect the tomb and the inscriptions, as well as installing a new lighting system.

The tomb consists of a limestone front courtyard with two pillars holding inscriptions of the tomb owner in a worshiping position. The western wall has colorful scenes typical of the Ramesside art representing everyday life and religious rituals. Many cartouches bearing the name of "Ramses II" also exist.

The courtyard leads to a rock cut room and contains a rock statue of "Hathor" representing it sorting from the mountain, under its head is a royal statue of Ramses II.


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The Tomb of Ankh Mahor

Ankh Mahor was the "Ka-Priest" during the reign of king Teti of the 6th Dynasty. His tomb is often called "the Physician's Tomb" because of the medical scenes in its doorway.

The tomb is big and contains a number of rooms and decorated doorways. It contains the most important Old Kingdom scenes like the famous circumcision scene in the doorway as well as scenes involving agriculture, offerings and fording.


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