Tuesday, May 24, 2016

(99) 11th International Congress of Coptic Studies




11th International Congress of Coptic Studies

Claremont Graduate University, California, USA

July 25-30, 2016

Congress Time and Duration

The 11th Congress is scheduled to start on Monday July 25, 2016 and conclude on Saturday July 30, 2016 with the IACS members' Business Meeting.


Congress Secretary and Organizing Committee

The Congress organization is a collaborative effort of the host, Claremont Graduate University (CGU) and the St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society (SSACS) under the auspices of the IACS. In the 2012 IACS Business Meeting in Rome, the IACS approved Mr. Hany N. Takla, President of SSACS as the 2016 Congress secretary. The names of the other members of the Organizing Committee will be forthcoming. Any question about the information on this site or regarding any issue concerning the Congress can be emailed to the Congress secretary (htakla@CopticCongress2016.org)



The 11th Congress sessions will be primarily held at the campus of the CGU's School of Art and Humanities, 831 N. Dartmouth Ave., Claremont California 91711, USA.


Plenary Papers

The IACS Board has approved the following plenary papers to be delivered at the Congress:

  • Coptic archeology (2012–2016): Elisabeth O’Connell
  • Coptic linguistics (2012–2016): Chris Reintges
  • Coptic art, including museology (2012–2016): Dominique Bénazeth
  • Coptic literature (2012–2016): Mark Sheridan
  • Copto-Arabic studies (2008–2016): Mark Swanson
  • Gnosticism and Manichaeism in Egypt (2012–2016): Jean-Daniel Dubois
  • Coptic Bible (2008–2016): Anne Boud’hors
  • Egyptian monasticism (2012–2016): David Brakke
  • Coptic documentary papyrology (2012–2016): Malcolm Choat
  • Coptic epigraphy (2004–2016): Alain Delattre
  • Coptic history and historiography (2008–2016): Alberto Camplani

This will be in addition to the President's Address to be delivered by the current IACS President, Prof. Dr. Jacques van der Vliet.


Papers, Panels, and Workshops

The Congress invites all scholars to submit papers dealing with any of the aspects of the study of Christian Egypt in such areas as those covered in the plenary papers as well as any related subjects at the discretion of the Congress organizers.

We encourage senior and established scholars to organize special panels and workshops to be scheduled. Proposals for such special sessions are encouraged to be communicated by email to the Congress secretary as soon as possible: htakla@copticcongress2016.org.

The approved list of panels and short communications is now available. Click here This is a preliminary list. All presenters need to complete their online registration by March 31, 2016 and pay their registration fees by April 30, 2016 to be included in the final program.

Due to the large number of anticipated papers, participants with no history of presenting at international meetings will need to submit the entire text of their proposed paper for consideration no later than December 1, 2015 (submission may be by email to the Congress secretary or by mail to the address below). Titles and abstracts can be transmitted via the registration link in the Registration and Congress Fees section or directly by email to the Congress secretary or by mail to:

St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society

1494 S Robertson Blvd, Suite 104

Los Angeles, CA 90035



Registration and Congress Fees

Member of IACS. For a list of IACS members click here




$ 180




$  90




$  90


Friend of the IACS


$  90


Accompanying person


$  90





• Egyptian resident in Egypt, regardless of his/her membership in IACS (payment can me made when you arrive in Egyptian Currency, if desired)




EGP 250


Student (or Friend of the IACS)


EGP 150

• Non-member of IACS




$ 260




$ 150

Click here for online registration and Congress fees payment. For Credit Card payment of Congress fees after registration and/or recipt of invoice, click this payment link. The IACS member fees listed above are valid for registering prior to the start of the Congress. Fees paid at the time of the congress will be charged at the Non-Member rates. FOR NON-US RESIDENTS COMING FROM OTHER COUNTRIES, VISA REQUIREMENT HAVE CHANGED IN THE US RECENTLY. PLEASE CONTACT THE NEAREST US EMBASSY OR COSULATE IN YOUR COUNTY AS SOON AS YOU CAN TO INSURE YOUR ARRIVAL AT THE CONGRESS IN TIME. IF FURTHER INFORMATION IS REQUIRED, PLEASE CONTACT THE CONGRESS SECRETARY. EVEN FOR INDIVDUALS FROM PREVIOUSLY-DESIGNATED VISA WAIVER COUNTRIES AT LEAST AN ESTA APPLICATION IS REQUIRED. CONSULT: https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov/esta/.



The following are the available housing accommodations within close proximity to the Congress venue. All the hotels listed below are within easy walking distance of the CGU campus, and may be reached by public bus transportation:

  1. Hotels
  • Double Tree by Hilton: (0.6 miles, 1 km) 555 West Foothill Boulevard, Claremont, CA 91711. It can provide up to 60 single rooms and 60 double rooms with the guaranteed rate of $129 per night plus hotel tax and $11 per person for breakfast (4-star). This will be the official Congress Hotel. For hotel room booking Click here. For a guide on how to book the room, click here. Rooms are available at the advertised rate until July 2, 2016 or if the reserved rooms are all filled in. If you encounter a problem, please contact the Congress Secretary as soon as possible.
  • Knights Inn Claremont: (1.5 miles, 2.4 km)  721 South Indian Hill Blvd, I-10, Exit 47, Claremont, CA 91711. Capacity 58 rooms (2-star). Rates start at $68 (2014 prices) for single or double rooms plus hotel tax.
  • Claremont Lodge: (1.5 miles, 2.4 km) 736 South Indian Hill Blvd, I-10, Exit 47, Claremont, CA 91711. Capacity 50 rooms (2-star). Rates start at $70 plus hotel tax. Higher rates are projected for weekend stay.
  • Motel 6 Claremont Ca: (1.8 miles, 4.5 km) 840 South Indian Hill Blvd, I-10, Exit 47, Claremont, CA 91711. Capacity 120 room (unrated). Rates start at $87 plus hotel tax.
  • Other hotels are further away and would require public or private transportation to reach the Congress venue. For a general list of all the hotel in the vicinity click here.
  • Hotel taxes in California is 12% of the room rate.

.    2. CGU Dorm Rooms (for student participants and attendees or others): According to the University, the cost for a dorm room is per bed. So the projected cost is $400 per person for a stay from July 24 to leaving on July 30, 2016 or any days in that range. You need to reserve with the Congress Secretary as soon as possible. Payment will be set up separately when the room reservation is confirmed. Priority will be given to Congress presenters. Please expedite your request by email. Keep in mind the rooms would have shared bathrooms between at least two rooms and no minors under the age of 18 are permitted. The deadline for reserving the room be emailing the Secretary is April 20, 2016 or until it fills up, which ever comes first. After that date there is no guarantee



Book Exhibitors

Book Exhibitors need to contact the Congress Secretary (htakla@CopticCongress2016.org) as soon as possible if they are interested in offering books for sale during the duration of the Congress. Books related to Coptic Studies and related fields are strongly recommended.


Congress Exhibits

The Congress Organizing Committee has arranged for a combined exhibit to be on display during the duration of the Congress in Art Gallery Building, to include tentatively the following:

  1. Manuscripts and artefacts from the Museum of the Bible (MOTB) collection, formerly knows as the Green Collection of Oklahoma City
  2. Medieval Egyptian manuscripts, Coptic and Christian Arabic, from the Collection of the St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society
  3. A tribute to the pioneers of Coptic Studies at CGU, Prof. James Robinson & the late Dr. Ernest Tune.


Area Airports and Transportation

The Congress venue is served by three major airports.

  • Ontario International Airport: 10 miles (16 km): Taxi $40. Shuttle min $21 for 1st person + $9 for additional person.
  • John Wayne International Airport: 40 miles (64 km), Taxi. $100+. Shuttle min $68 for 1st person + $9 for additional person.
  • Los Angeles International Airport: 50 miles (80 km), Taxi $120. Shuttle min $55 for 1st person + $9 for additional person.
    *all prices are 2014 rates.


Last Updated: April 18, 2016

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