Monday, April 11, 2016

Louvre to exhibit Egyptian antiquities in Iran - Tehran Times

Louvre to exhibit Egyptian antiquities in Iran

April 10, 2016

TEHRAN -- Louvre Museum will display Egyptian antiquities, which are kept at the place, during an exhibition in Iran in the near future, Iran’s Museums and Historical Properties Office Director Mohammad-Reza Kargar said on Saturday.

“According to the recent agreements between Iran and Louvre Museum and negotiations with President of the Louvre Museum Jean-Luc Martinez, the exhibition will be held in the near future,” Kargar said.

Martinez, leading a seven-member delegation, arrived in Tehran on Saturday for a two-day journey.

The Egyptian antiquities present vestiges from the civilizations that developed in the Nile Valley from the late prehistoric era (c. 4000 BC) to the Christian period (4th century AD).

Louvre Museum is such an extraordinary collection, which is home to different cultures around the world, Martinez told reporters during his visit to the Golestan Palace.

He said that about 550,000 artifacts are kept at the museum that thousands of them belong to Iran but he doesn’t know the exact number.

“Iran’s artifacts at Louvre Museum were discovered during the 19th century cooperation and mutual excavation in Susa and Apadana in Persepolis,” he said.

He claimed that all Iranian artifacts, which are kept in the museum, were granted to the place according to an agreement signed in the 19th century.

“There is no specific department for Iran at the museum. The Iranian artifacts are kept in several departments including Islamic Art,” he said.

“I am here for a mutual cooperation. French experts come to Iran and vice versa. Louvre Museum and National Museum of Iran can display their artifacts in exhibitions in each country,” Martinez added. 

The Louvre and the Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicraft Organization of Iran signed a cooperation document in Paris on January 27, 2016.

The document covers cooperation in various fields including archeology and local arts.


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