Saturday, April 9, 2016

Fwd: Papers uploaded by Salima Ikram

Hi Glenn,

Salima Ikram uploaded papers on

2014. "Why Leather in Egyptian Chariots?" In S. Harris and A. J. Veldmeijer (eds.) Why Leather? the Material and Cultural Dimensions of Leather. Leiden: Sidestone Press, 115-122.

by Salima Ikram

2003. "Hunting Hyenas in the Middle Kingdom: the Appropriation of a Royal Image?" In N. Grimal, A. Kamel, and C. May-Sheikholeslami (eds.) Hommages à Fayza Haikal. Cairo: IFAO, 141-148.

by Salima Ikram

2009. "Un Visage Pour l'Éternité." In P. Picq (ed.) 100,000 ans de la Beauté. Paris: Galimard, 55-57.

by Salima Ikram

2013. "The Sacred Ram Mummies of Khnum from Elephantine in Egypt." In E. Delange and H. Jaritz (eds.) Der Widderfriedhof des Chnumtempels, Mit Beiträgen zur Archäozoologie und zur Materialkunde, AV 105, Elephantine XXV. WiesbadenÖ Harrassowitz, 214-222.

by Salima Ikram

2015. "A Note on Working with Mummies in the Field." Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 7:4, 69-70.

by Salima Ikram

2013. "Organic Chemistry of Balms Used in the Preparation of Pharaonic Meat Mummies." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110.51: 20392-20395. (with K. A. Clark and R. P. Evershed).

by Salima Ikram

2015. "Speculations on the Role of Animal Cults in the Economy of Ancient Egypt." In M. Massiera, B. Mathieu, and Fr. Rouffet (eds.) Apprivoiser le Sauvage/Taming the Wild (CENiM 11). Montpellier: University Paul Valéry Montpellier, 211-228.

by Salima Ikram

2010. "North Kharga Oasis Survey 2007. Preliminary Report: Ain Lebekha and Ain Amur." MDAIK 66, 235-242.

by Salima Ikram

The Team

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