Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Academia.edu - Top papers from my newsfeed.


Alice Stevenson Alice Stevenson
Bookmarked by Miroslav Barta


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Rita                                          Lucarelli Rita Lucarelli
Bookmarked by Kasia Szpakowska

Ch. 41B of the Book of the Dead

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Colleen Manassa Darnell Colleen Manassa Darnell
Bookmarked by Miroslav Barta

"Loaves and Zirs: A Re-examination of a Hieratic Text from Abydos"

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Colleen Manassa Darnell Colleen Manassa Darnell
Bookmarked by Miroslav Barta

Defining Historical Fiction in New Kingdom Egypt

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Amandine Marshall Amandine Marshall
Bookmarked by Kasia Szpakowska

The nurture of children in ancient Egypt

In all societies, the breast-feeding is perceived as the most natural and economic way to feed a baby in the first time of its life. However, from a civilization to another one, from a woman to another one, from a social, family, economic contexts to another one, needs for a child to another one, times of breast-feeding differ and a semi-liquid or solid food can come to complete the nurture of the young child. Besides, his needs evolve at the same time as he becomes more and more autonomous. Are the infants really weaned at three? Is the milk given to the child always of human origin? Do...

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Olena Romanova Olena Romanova
Bookmarked by Miroslav Barta

Prophet of Maat (Hm-nTr MAat) in the Old Kingdom: Priest or Judge? Part I. The study of sources. in Skhidniy svit. 2010. № 4. P. 138–149. Part II. The investigation of titles. In Skhidniy svit. 2011. № 2. P. 110–119. (In Russian).

The titles of the priests of Maat, their function in the administration and in the ranks system of the Old Kingdom is the matter of the present paper. The first part of the paper presents the prosopography of the sources (78 points) from V-VI dynasties. Also the iconography of the title is considered. Topography and dating of the collected sources cause the next conclusion. During the Old Kingdom the title under discussion was located on the monuments of the capital area; therefore it belonged to the central administration titles. This title was in common usage during the mid and late V...

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Alexander Fantalkin Alexander Fantalkin
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Tell Qudadi: An Iron Age IIB Fortress on the Central Mediterranean Coast of Israel (with References to Earlier and Later Periods) Final Report on the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Excavations Directed by E.L. Sukenik and S. Yeivin, with the Participation of N. Avigad

This monograph presents the final excavation report of Tell Qudadi (Tell esh-Shuna) located on the northern bank of the Yarkon river estuary into the central Mediterranean coast of Israel. As excavations were conducted in 1937-38 and were published only in a very preliminary form, the current authors offer a new chronological scheme for the impressive Iron Age fortress which shows two architectural phases. Their chronological down-dating assigns the fortress to the period between the second half of the 8th and the first half of the 7th centuries BC when the area was under Neo-Assyrian rule....

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Alexander Fantalkin Alexander Fantalkin
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Archaeologists Solve Mystery of 2,700-year-old Fortress in Tel Aviv

Ancient fortress at Tell Qudadi at the mouth of the Yarkon River wasn't Israelite after all, say modern archaeologists who reopened old data.

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Harold Hays Harold Hays
Bookmarked by Miroslav Barta

The Death of the Democratisation of the Afterlife

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James Hoffmeier James Hoffmeier
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

The Exodus and Wilderness Narratives

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